输入英文单词或中文词语查询其翻译,例如 英语单词 或 English
- a pile of
- abandon
- abide
- ability
- abnormal
- aboard
- abolish
- abroad
- abrupt
- absence
- absent
- absolute
- absorb
- absorption
- abstract
- absurd
- abundance
- abundant
- abuse
- academic
- academy
- accelerate
- acceleration
- accept
- acceptable
- acceptance
- access
- accessory
- accident
- accidental
- acclaim
- accommodate
- accommodation
- accompany
- accomplish
- accomplished
- accord
- accordance
- according
- accordingly
- account
- accumulate
- accuracy
- accurate
- accuse
- accustom
- ache
- achieve
- acid
- acknowledge
- acquaint
- acquaintance
- acquire
- act
- action
- activate
- active
- acute
- adapt
- add
- addition
- address
- adequate
- adhere
- adjacent
- adjoin
- adjust
- administer
- admire
- admission
- admit
- adolescent
- adopt
- adore
- adult
- advance
- advanced
- advantage
- adventure
- adverse
- advertise
- advice
- advisable
- advise
- advocate
- aerial
- aerospace
- aesthetic
- affect
- affection
- affiliate
- affirm
- affirmative
- afford
- afraid
- age
- agency
- agenda
- agent
- aggravate
- aggress
- aggressive
- agitate
- agony
- agree
- agreeable
- agreement
- aid
- aim
- air
- airline
- alert
- alien
- alike
- alive
- allege
- alleviate
- alliance
- allocate
- allow
- allowance
- alloy
- ally
- alone
- alongside
- alter
- alteration
- alternate
- alternative
- altitude
- aluminum
- amaze
- ambassador
- ambiguous
- ambition
- ambitious
- ambulance
- amend
- amount
- ample
- amplify
- amuse
- amusement
- analysis
- analytic
- analyze
- ancestor
- anchor
- ancient
- anger
- angle
- angry
- animate
- anniversary
- announce
- announcer
- annoy
- anonymous
- antarctic
- anticipate
- anxiety
- anxious
- apart
- apartment
- apparatus
- apparent
- appeal
- appear
- appearance
- appendix
- appetite
- applaud
- applause
- appliance
- applicable
- application
- apply
- appoint
- appointment
- appraisal
- appraise
- appreciable
- appreciate
- approach
- appropriate
- approval
- approve
- approximately
- apt
- aptitude
- arch
- arctic
- argue
- argument
- arise
- arithmetic
- arm
- army
- arouse
- arrange
- array
- arrest
- art
- artful
- article
- articulate
- artificial
- artistic
- as a matter of course
- ascend
- ascendant
- ascertain
- ascribe
- ashamed
- ashore
- aside
- aspect
- assault
- assemble
- assembly
- assert
- assess
- assign
- assignment
- assimilate
- assist
- assistance
- assistant
- associate
- association
- assume
- assumption
- assurance
- assure
- astonish
- at a blow
- atom
- attach
- attachment
- attack
- attain
- attempt
- attend
- attendance
- attendant
- attention
- attentive
- attitude
- attorney
- attract
- attractive
- attribute
- augment
- aural
- author
- authority
- automate
- automatic
- auxiliary
- available
- avenue
- average
- avert
- aviation
- avoid
- awake
- award
- aware
- awful
- awkward
- bachelor
- back
- background
- backward
- bacterium
- bad
- badge
- ban
- band
- bandage
- bang
- bank
- bankrupt
- banner
- bar
- barber
- bare
- barely
- bark
- barrier
- base
- basement
- basic
- basin
- basis
- batch
- battery
- battle
- bay
- be packed with
- beach
- beam
- beat
- because
- become
- begin
- beginner
- beginning
- behalf
- behave
- behavior
- belief
- believe
- belong
- belongings
- beloved
- belt
- bend
- beneficial
- benefit
- bent
- best
- bet
- betray
- better
- beware
- bewilder
- bias
- bibliography
- bill
- bind
- biography
- birth
- bite
- blend
- bless
- blessing
- blind
- block
- bloom
- blossom
- blow
- blunder
- blunt
- blush
- boast
- bold
- bolt
- bomb
- bond
- bonus
- boom
- border
- bore
- born
- bosom
- boss
- bother
- bottle
- bounce
- bound
- boundary
- bow
- boycott
- brace
- brain
- branch
- brand
- breath
- breed
- bribe
- bride
- bridge
- brief
- bright
- brilliant
- brisk
- brittle
- broad
- brush
- brutal
- brute
- bubble
- bud
- budget
- buffet
- bug
- build
- bulk
- bull
- bump
- bunch
- bundle
- bureau
- bureaucracy
- burn
- bush
- business
- busy
- butter
- butterfly
- buy
- buzz
- by way of
- bypass
- byproduct
- cabinet
- cable
- cafeteria
- calculate
- calculating
- calendar
- calm
- campaign
- canal
- cancel
- candidate
- canvas
- capability
- capable
- capacity
- capital
- capitalism
- capsule
- captive
- capture
- care
- cargo
- carpenter
- carriage
- carrier
- carry
- carve
- case
- cast
- casual
- casualty
- catalog
- cathedral
- Catholic
- cause
- caution
- cautious
- cave
- cavity
- cease
- celebrant
- celebrate
- cellar
- cement
- census
- cent
- center
- centigrade
- centimeter
- ceremony
- certain
- certainly
- certainty
- certificate
- certify
- chain
- chair
- chairman
- challenge
- champion
- chance
- change
- chapter
- character
- characteristic
- characterize
- charge
- charity
- charm
- charming
- chart
- charter
- chartism
- chase
- chat
- cheat
- check
- cheek
- cheeky
- cheer
- cheerful
- cherish
- chest
- chew
- chicken
- chief
- childish
- chill
- chin
- chip
- chop
- chorus
- Christian
- chronic
- circle
- circuit
- circular
- circulate
- circumstance
- circus
- cite
- civil
- civilian
- civilization
- civilize
- claim
- clap
- clarify
- clarity
- clash
- classic
- classical
- classification
- classify
- clean
- clear
- clever
- client
- cliff
- climate
- climax
- climb
- cling
- clip
- cloak
- clock
- clockwise
- close
- cloud
- cloudy
- clue
- clumsy
- cluster
- clutch
- coach
- coarse
- coast
- coefficient
- coherent
- coil
- coin
- coincide
- coincidence
- collaborate
- collapse
- colleague
- collect
- collection
- collective
- collide
- collision
- colonel
- colonist
- colony
- comb
- combat
- combination
- combine
- comedy
- comfort
- comfortable
- command
- commence
- commend
- comment
- commission
- commit
- committee
- commodity
- common
- commonplace
- commonsense
- commonwealth
- communication
- communism
- commute
- companion
- company
- comparable
- comparative
- compare
- comparison
- compartment
- compartmentalize
- compass
- compatible
- compel
- compelling
- compensate
- compete
- competent
- competition
- competitive
- competitor
- compile
- complement
- complementarity
- complete
- completion
- complex
- complexity
- complicate
- complication
- compliment
- comply
- component
- compose
- composition
- compound
- comprehension
- comprehensive
- compress
- comprise
- compromise
- compulsory
- compute
- computer
- comrade
- conceal
- concede
- conceive
- concentrate
- concept
- conception
- concern
- concerning
- concernment
- concert
- concession
- concessionaire
- concise
- conclude
- conclusion
- condition
- conditional
- conduct
- conductivity
- conductor
- confer
- conference
- confess
- confine
- confirm
- conflict
- conform
- confront
- confuse
- confusion
- congratulate
- congratulation
- congress
- connect
- connection
- conquer
- conquest
- conscience
- conscientious
- conscious
- consciousness
- consensus
- consent
- consequence
- consequently
- consider
- considerable
- considerate
- consideration
- consist
- consistent
- consolidate
- conspicuous
- constant
- constituent
- constitute
- constitution
- construct
- consult
- consultant
- consume
- consumption
- contact
- contain
- contemporary
- contend
- content
- contest
- context
- continual
- continuous
- contract
- contradict
- contrary
- contrast
- contribute
- contribution
- contrive
- convenience
- convenient
- convention
- conventional
- conversation
- conversely
- conversion
- convert
- convey
- convict
- conviction
- convince
- cooperate
- cooperative
- coordinate
- cope
- copy
- cord
- cordial
- corporation
- correct
- correspond
- correspondence
- correspondent
- corresponding
- corrode
- corrupt
- cosmic
- cost
- costly
- council
- counsel
- count
- counter
- county
- couple
- courage
- course
- courtesy
- cover
- coward
- crack
- cradle
- craft
- crank
- crash
- crawl
- crazy
- cream
- create
- creative
- creature
- credit
- creditor
- creep
- cricket
- crime
- criminal
- cripple
- crisp
- criterion
- critic
- critical
- criticise
- cross
- crowd
- crown
- crucial
- crude
- crush
- crust
- cucumber
- cue
- cultivate
- cunning
- cure
- curiosity
- curious
- curl
- currency
- current
- curse
- curve
- custom
- customary
- cut
- daily
- dairy
- damage
- damp
- daring
- dash
- dawn
- day
- dazzle
- dead
- deadline
- deadly
- deaf
- deafen
- deal
- dear
- death
- debate
- debt
- debtor
- decade
- decay
- deceit
- deceive
- decent
- decide
- decided
- decimal
- decision
- decisive
- declaration
- declare
- decline
- decompose
- decorate
- decorative
- decrease
- dedicate
- deduce
- deed
- deem
- deep
- deepen
- deeply
- defeat
- defect
- defend
- defense
- deficiency
- define
- definite
- definition
- deform
- defy
- degenerate
- degrade
- degree
- delay
- delegate
- delegation
- delete
- delicate
- delicious
- delight
- deliver
- demand
- democracy
- democratic
- demonstrate
- denial
- denote
- density
- dentist
- deny
- depart
- department
- departure
- depend
- dependence
- dependent
- depict
- deposit
- depress
- deprive
- depth
- depute
- deputy
- derive
- descend
- descendant
- descent
- describe
- description
- desert
- deserve
- design
- designate
- desirable
- desire
- desolate
- despair
- desperate
- despite
- destination
- destiny
- destroy
- destruction
- destructive
- detach
- detail
- detain
- detect
- detective
- detector
- deteriorate
- determine
- develop
- devil
- devise
- devote
- devotion
- dew
- diagnose
- diagram
- dial
- dialect
- dialogue
- diameter
- dictate
- dictator
- die
- differ
- difference
- different
- differentiate
- diffuse
- digest
- digital
- dignify
- dignity
- diligent
- dim
- diminish
- dip
- diploma
- diplomatic
- direct
- direction
- directly
- dirty
- disable
- disadvantage
- disagree
- disappear
- disaster
- disastrous
- discard
- discharge
- discipline
- disclose
- discount
- discourage
- discover
- discuss
- disgrace
- disguise
- dishonor
- dislike
- dismay
- dismiss
- disorder
- dispatch
- dispense
- disperse
- displace
- displacement
- display
- displease
- disposal
- dispose
- disprove
- dispute
- disregard
- dissolve
- distance
- distant
- distillation
- distinct
- distinction
- distinguish
- distort
- distract
- distress
- distribute
- district
- disturb
- disturbance
- ditch
- dive
- diverse
- diversion
- divide
- division
- divorce
- dizzy
- do
- dock
- doctor
- doctrine
- document
- documentary
- domestic
- donate
- doom
- dormitory
- dose
- double
- doubt
- doubtful
- doze
- dozen
- drag
- drama
- dramatic
- draw
- drawback
- dress
- drift
- drill
- drive
- drop
- drought
- drown
- drug
- drum
- dry
- dubious
- due
- dull
- dumb
- dump
- duplicate
- durable
- duration
- dust
- duty
- dwarf
- dwell
- dwelling
- dye
- dying
- dynamic
- dynasty
- eager
- ear
- earnest
- earnings
- earth
- earthenware
- eat
- eclipse
- ecology
- economic
- economical
- economies
- economy
- edge
- edible
- edit
- edition
- editorial
- effect
- effective
- efficiency
- efficient
- effort
- eject
- elaborate
- elbow
- electron
- electronic
- electronics
- elegant
- element
- elementary
- elevate
- elevation
- elevator
- eligible
- eliminate
- elite
- eloquent
- embark
- embarrass
- embassy
- embrace
- emerge
- emergency
- emission
- emit
- emotion
- empirical
- employ
- employee
- employment
- empty
- enable
- enclose
- encounter
- encourage
- encyclopedia
- endanger
- endeavor
- endurance
- endure
- energetic
- energy
- enforce
- engage
- engagement
- engine
- engineering
- enhance
- enlarge
- enlighten
- enormous
- enrich
- enroll
- ensure
- enterprise
- entertain
- entertainment
- enthusiasm
- enthusiastic
- entitle
- entrance
- entry
- envelop
- envelope
- environment
- envy
- epidemic
- epoch
- equal
- equality
- equation
- equator
- equip
- equipment
- equivalent
- era
- erase
- erect
- erode
- erosion
- erroneous
- error
- erupt
- escape
- especially
- essence
- essential
- establish
- establishment
- estate
- esthetic
- estimate
- eternal
- evaluate
- evaluation
- even
- evenly
- event
- eventually
- everlasting
- evidence
- evident
- evil
- evolution
- evolve
- exactly
- exaggerate
- examination
- examine
- example
- exceed
- exceedingly
- except
- exception
- exceptional
- excess
- excessive
- exchange
- excite
- excitement
- exclaim
- exclamation
- exclude
- exclusive
- excursion
- excuse
- execute
- executive
- exempt
- exert
- exhaust
- exhaustive
- exhibit
- exhibition
- exile
- exist
- existence
- expand
- expansion
- expect
- expectation
- expedition
- expel
- expend
- expenditure
- expense
- experience
- expert
- expertise
- expire
- explain
- explanation
- explicit
- explode
- exploit
- exploration
- explore
- explosion
- explosive
- export
- expose
- exposure
- express
- expression
- extend
- extension
- extensive
- extent
- exterior
- external
- extinct
- extinguish
- extract
- extraction
- extraordinary
- extravagant
- extreme
- eye
- eyesight
- fable
- fabric
- fabricate
- face
- facility
- factor
- faculty
- fade
- fail
- failure
- faint
- fair
- fairly
- faith
- faithful
- familiar
- family
- famine
- famous
- fancy
- fantastic
- fare
- farewell
- fascinate
- fast
- fasten
- fatal
- fatigue
- fault
- faulty
- favor
- favorable
- favorite
- fear
- feasible
- feast
- feature
- feeble
- feed
- fellow
- fellowship
- female
- feminine
- fence
- festival
- fiber
- fiction
- fierce
- fight
- figure
- file
- fill
- filter
- finance
- financial
- find
- finding
- fine
- fire
- firm
- fist
- fit
- fitting
- fix
- fixture
- flame
- flap
- flare
- flash
- flat
- flatten
- flatter
- flavour
- flaw
- flee
- flexible
- flight
- fling
- flock
- flourish
- flow
- fluctuate
- fluid
- flush
- fly
- foam
- focus
- fold
- folk
- fond
- fool
- for the present
- forbid
- forbidding
- force
- foregoing
- foremost
- foresee
- forge
- forgery
- forgive
- fork
- form
- formal
- formula
- formulate
- fortunate
- fortune
- forum
- forward
- fossil
- foster
- found
- foundation
- fountain
- fraction
- fracture
- fragile
- fragment
- fragrant
- frame
- framework
- frank
- free
- freeze
- freight
- frequency
- fresh
- friction
- friend
- friendly
- friendship
- fright
- frighten
- frontier
- frown
- frustrate
- fry
- fulfill
- fun
- function
- fund
- fundament
- fundamental
- funny
- furious
- furnish
- furniture
- further
- fuse
- fuss
- gain
- galaxy
- gallery
- gallop
- gamble
- game
- gang
- gangster
- gaol
- garment
- gasp
- gay
- gear
- gene
- general
- generalize
- generate
- generation
- generous
- genius
- gentle
- genuine
- geometry
- germ
- gesture
- giant
- gift
- gifted
- gigantic
- give priority to
- give way to
- glad
- glance
- glare
- glide
- glimpse
- glitter
- global
- gloomy
- glorify
- glorious
- glory
- glow
- glue
- gnaw
- go on strike
- goal
- good
- gossip
- govern
- government
- governor
- grab
- grace
- graceful
- gracious
- grade
- gradual
- graduate
- grand
- grant
- grateful
- gratitude
- grave
- gravity
- grease
- greet
- greeting
- grief
- grieve
- grind
- groan
- gross
- ground
- group
- grow
- grow out of
- grown-up
- guarantee
- guard
- guess
- guidance
- guide
- guilt
- guilty
- guy
- gymnasium
- habit
- habitual
- hail
- halt
- ham
- hamburger
- hammer
- hamper
- handicap
- handle
- handsome
- handy
- harbor
- hard
- harden
- hardly
- hardware
- harm
- harmful
- harmony
- harness
- haste
- hasten
- hasty
- hatch
- hate
- hateful
- hatred
- haul
- hawk
- hazard
- head
- heading
- headline
- headlong
- headquarters
- heal
- heart
- heartily
- hearty
- heated
- hedge
- heel
- heighten
- heir
- helicopter
- help
- helper
- helpful
- helpless
- hemisphere
- herd
- heritage
- hesitate
- hierarchy
- high
- highland
- highly
- highway
- hijack
- hinder
- hinge
- hint
- hire
- hit
- hoist
- hollow
- holy
- home
- homogeneous
- honor
- honorable
- hook
- horizon
- horizontal
- horror
- horsepower
- hospitality
- host
- hostage
- hostile
- house
- household
- human
- humane
- humanism
- humanity
- humble
- humid
- humidity
- humor
- hunt
- hurry
- hurry up
- hurt
- hydrogen
- hymn
- hypothesis
- idea
- ideal
- identical
- identification
- identify
- idle
- ignite
- ignorance
- ignorant
- ignore
- ill
- illegal
- illuminate
- illusion
- illustrate
- image
- imaginary
- imitate
- imitation
- immediate
- immediately
- immense
- immerse
- immune
- impact
- impair
- impartial
- impatient
- imperialism
- impetus
- implement
- implication
- implicit
- imply
- import
- impose
- impress
- impression
- impressive
- imprison
- improper
- improve
- impulse
- impurity
- in a hurry
- in a mess
- in a way
- in addition
- in any way
- in course of
- in line with
- in the course of
- in the way
- inaccessible
- inadequate
- incidence
- incident
- incidentally
- incite
- inclination
- incline
- include
- inclusive
- income
- incorporate
- increase
- incredible
- incur
- independent
- indicate
- indication
- indicative
- indict
- indifferent
- indignant
- indignation
- indignity
- indispensable
- individual
- induce
- induction
- industrialize
- industrious
- inertia
- inevitable
- infant
- infect
- infectious
- infer
- inferior
- infinite
- infinity
- inflation
- influence
- inform
- information
- infrared
- ingenious
- ingredient
- inhabit
- inhabitant
- inherent
- inherit
- initial
- initiate
- initiative
- inject
- injure
- inland
- inlet
- innocent
- innovate
- innovation
- input
- inquire
- inscribe
- insert
- insight
- insist
- inspect
- inspiration
- inspire
- instability
- install
- installation
- instant
- instantaneous
- instinct
- institute
- institution
- instruct
- instruction
- instructor
- instrument
- insufficient
- insulate
- insult
- insurance
- insure
- intact
- integral
- integrate
- integrity
- intellect
- intellectual
- intelligence
- intelligent
- intend
- intense
- intensity
- intensive
- intent
- intentional
- interact
- Intercourse
- interest
- interfere
- interference
- interior
- intermediate
- internal
- interpret
- interrupt
- intervene
- intimate
- introduce
- introduction
- invade
- invalid
- invaluable
- invasion
- invent
- invention
- invert
- invest
- investigate
- invisible
- involve
- inward
- ion
- iron
- irony
- irrespective
- irritate
- isolate
- isotope
- issue
- label
- labor
- lace
- lack
- lad
- lag
- lamb
- lame
- land
- landing
- lap
- latent
- latitude
- laugh
- launch
- lay
- layout
- lead
- leadership
- leading
- leaf
- leaflet
- league
- leak
- leakage
- lean
- lease
- lecture
- legal
- legend
- lend
- length
- lengthen
- less
- lesson
- level
- lever
- liability
- liable
- liberal
- licence
- lick
- lie
- life
- lift
- light
- lighten
- like
- likelihood
- likely
- likeness
- likewise
- limb
- limit
- limitation
- limited
- limp
- line up
- linger
- link
- liquor
- list
- literal
- literally
- literary
- literature
- litter
- live
- lively
- living
- load
- loan
- local
- locality
- lock
- locomotive
- lodge
- lodging
- logical
- loneliness
- lonely
- long
- longing
- longitude
- look
- loop
- lord
- lounge
- love
- lovely
- low
- lower
- loyal
- loyalty
- luck
- lucky
- ludicrous
- lumber
- lump
- lunar
- luxurious
- machine
- machinery
- macroscopic
- mad
- magic
- magician
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetism
- magnificent
- magnify
- magnitude
- maiden
- main
- mainly
- maintain
- major
- majority
- make a mess
- make fun of
- make-up
- malfunction
- maltreat
- man
- manage
- management
- maneuver
- manifest
- manipulate
- mankind
- manly
- manner
- manual
- manufacture
- manuscript
- marginal
- marine
- mark
- market
- marketing
- married
- marry
- masculine
- mask
- mass
- massive
- master
- masterpiece
- match
- mate
- material
- materialism
- matter
- mature
- maximum
- mean
- means
- meantime
- mechanic
- mechanical
- mechanics
- Mediterranean
- medium
- meet
- melt
- memorial
- memory
- mend
- mental
- mention
- mercury
- mercy
- mere
- merely
- merit
- merry
- mess
- mess about
- mess up
- mess with
- metal
- meter
- method
- metric
- microprocessor
- might
- mighty
- mild
- mineral
- miniature
- minimize
- minimum
- ministry
- minor
- minority
- minus
- minute
- mischief
- miserable
- misery
- misfortune
- mislead
- miss
- mission
- mist
- mistake
- mix
- mixture
- moan
- mobile
- mobilize
- mock
- mode
- model
- moderate
- modest
- modesty
- modification
- modify
- moisture
- molecule
- momentary
- monetary
- monitor
- monotonous
- monster
- monstrous
- monthly
- monument
- mood
- moral
- morality
- more or less
- mortal
- mortgage
- moss
- motion
- motivate
- motive
- motorway
- mount
- mourn
- move
- move in
- move on
- movement
- multiple
- multiplication
- multiply
- mushroom
- music
- musical
- mute
- mutual
- mysterious
- mystery
- myth
- nail
- naive
- name
- namely
- narrate
- nasty
- nationality
- native
- natural
- nature
- naughty
- navigate
- navigation
- necessitate
- necessity
- negative
- neglect
- negligence
- negligent
- negligible
- negotiate
- nerve
- nest
- net
- neutral
- neutron
- nickel
- nickname
- no less than
- noble
- nod
- noise
- nominal
- nonsense
- normal
- normalization
- nose
- notable
- note
- noteworthy
- notice
- noticeable
- notify
- notion
- notorious
- notwithstanding
- nourish
- novel
- novelty
- nuisance
- numb
- nurse
- oath
- obedience
- obedient
- object
- objection
- objective
- obligation
- oblige
- obscure
- observation
- observe
- obsolete
- obstacle
- obstinate
- obtain
- occasion
- occasional
- occupation
- occupy
- occur
- odd
- odds
- odour
- offence
- offend
- offensive
- offer
- office
- official
- officiate
- officious
- offset
- offspring
- omission
- omit
- only
- onward
- opaque
- open
- opening
- operate
- operation
- opponent
- opportunity
- oppose
- opposite
- oppress
- opt
- optical
- optimistic
- optimize
- optional
- oral
- orator
- oratory
- orbit
- order
- orderly
- organ
- organic
- organism
- organize
- orient
- oriental
- orientation
- origin
- original
- originate
- ornament
- ornate
- orthodox
- out of luck
- outer
- outermost
- outfit
- outlet
- outlook
- output
- outset
- outside
- outskirts
- outstanding
- outward
- overcome
- overflow
- overhaul
- overhead
- overhear
- overlap
- overlook
- overpass
- overtake
- overthrow
- overtime
- overview
- overwhelm
- overwhelming
- owing
- own
- ownership
- oxygen
- pace
- pack
- package
- packet
- pad
- paddle
- pain
- painful
- painstaking
- paint
- painter
- painting
- pair
- pal
- palm
- pamphlet
- panel
- pant
- parachute
- parade
- paradise
- paradox
- paradoxical
- paragraph
- parallel
- paralytic
- paralyze
- parameter
- parametric
- parasite
- parcel
- pardon
- parliament
- part
- partial
- participant
- participate
- particle
- particular
- partly
- pass
- pass off
- pass on
- pass out
- pass up
- passage
- passenger
- passion
- passive
- passport
- paste
- pastime
- pasture
- pat
- patch
- patent
- paternal
- pathetic
- patience
- patient
- patriotic
- patrol
- patron
- pay
- payment
- pea
- peace
- peaceful
- peak
- peanut
- peculiar
- peculiarity
- pedal
- peel
- peep
- penalty
- pendulum
- penetrate
- penetration
- peninsula
- pension
- pepper
- perceive
- percent
- percentage
- perception
- perceptive
- perfect
- perfectible
- perfection
- perfectly
- perform
- performance
- perfume
- periodical
- perish
- permanent
- permission
- permit
- perpetual
- perpetuate
- perpetuity
- perplex
- persecute
- persist
- person
- personal
- personality
- personnel
- persuade
- persuasion
- pessimistic
- petition
- phase
- phenomenal
- phenomenon
- philosopher
- philosophy
- photograph
- physical
- physician
- pick
- pickpocket
- pickup
- picnic
- picture
- piece
- pierce
- pile
- pillar
- pilot
- pin
- pioneer
- pirate
- piston
- pit
- pitch
- pity
- plain
- plan
- plane
- plastic
- plateau
- platform
- plausible
- plead
- pleasant
- please
- pleasure
- pledge
- plot
- plug
- plunge
- plus
- point
- pole
- polish
- politician
- politics
- poll
- ponder
- pool
- poor
- pop
- pope
- popular
- popularity
- population
- portion
- pose
- position
- positive
- possess
- possession
- post
- postage
- postpone
- potential
- poultry
- pound
- poverty
- power
- powerful
- practical
- practically
- practice
- practise
- praise
- pray
- prayer
- preach
- precaution
- precede
- preceding
- precious
- precise
- precision
- predict
- predictable
- preface
- prefer
- preferable
- preference
- prejudice
- preliminary
- premier
- preparation
- prepare
- prescribe
- prescription
- presence
- present
- presently
- preservation
- preserve
- preside
- press
- pressure
- presumably
- presume
- pretend
- pretext
- prevail
- prevalent
- prevent
- previous
- prey
- price
- priceless
- prick
- pride
- priest
- primary
- prime
- primitive
- principal
- principality
- principle
- printer
- prior
- priority
- prison
- privacy
- privilege
- prize
- probability
- probable
- probe
- procedure
- proceed
- proceeding
- process
- procession
- proclaim
- produce
- product
- production
- productive
- productivity
- profession
- professional
- professor
- proficiency
- profile
- profound
- profundity
- progress
- prohibit
- project
- projector
- prolong
- prominent
- promise
- promising
- promote
- pronounce
- pronunciation
- proof
- propel
- propeller
- proper
- proportion
- proposal
- propose
- proposition
- propulsion
- prospect
- prosper
- prosperity
- prosperous
- protect
- protein
- protest
- proton
- proud
- prove
- provide
- provided
- province
- provision
- provoke
- psychological
- psychology
- publication
- publicity
- publish
- puff
- pulse
- pump
- punch
- punctual
- punish
- punishment
- puppy
- purchase
- pure
- purify
- purity
- purpose
- pursue
- pursuit
- push
- puzzle
- race
- rack
- racket
- radiate
- radical
- radio
- radioactive
- radioactivity
- radish
- radium
- radius
- rag
- rage
- raid
- raise
- rally
- range
- rank
- ransom
- rapidity
- rarely
- rash
- rational
- raw
- ray
- react
- readily
- ready
- real
- realistic
- reality
- realization
- realize
- realm
- reason
- reasonable
- rebel
- rebellion
- recall
- receipt
- receive
- reception
- recipe
- reciprocal
- recite
- reckon
- reclaim
- recognition
- recognize
- recollect
- recommend
- reconcile
- record
- recover
- recovery
- recreation
- recruit
- rectify
- recur
- red
- redeem
- reduce
- reed
- reel
- refer
- reference
- refine
- refinery
- reflect
- reflection
- refresh
- refreshment
- refuge
- refusal
- refuse
- refute
- regard
- regarding
- regardless
- regenerative
- regime
- region
- register
- regret
- regular
- regularity
- regulate
- regulation
- reign
- reinforce
- reject
- rejoice
- relate
- relationship
- relative
- relativity
- relay
- release
- relevant
- reliability
- reliable
- reliance
- relic
- relief
- relieve
- religion
- religious
- reluctant
- rely
- remains
- remark
- remarkable
- remedy
- remember
- remind
- remote
- removal
- remove
- render
- renew
- renovate
- renovation
- rent
- repair
- repay
- repeat
- repel
- repent
- repetition
- replace
- reply
- report
- reporter
- represent
- representation
- representative
- reproach
- reproduce
- reptile
- republic
- republican
- reputation
- request
- require
- requirement
- rescue
- resemblance
- resemble
- resent
- reservation
- reserve
- reservoir
- reside
- residence
- resident
- resign
- resignation
- resist
- resistance
- resistant
- resolute
- resolution
- resolve
- resort
- resource
- respect
- respectable
- respectful
- respective
- respond
- response
- responsibility
- responsible
- restore
- restrain
- restraint
- restrict
- restriction
- result
- resultant
- resume
- retail
- retain
- retire
- retract
- retreat
- return
- reveal
- revenge
- revenue
- reverse
- revert
- review
- revise
- revive
- revolt
- revolution
- revolutionary
- revolve
- reward
- rhythm
- ribbon
- rich
- rid
- riddle
- ride
- ridge
- ridicule
- ridiculous
- right
- rigid
- rim
- ripe
- ripen
- rise
- risk
- rival
- roar
- roast
- rob
- rock
- rod
- role
- roll
- romance
- romantic
- room
- root
- rot
- rotary
- rotate
- rough
- roundabout
- rouse
- route
- routine
- row
- royal
- royalty
- rub
- rubbish
- rude
- ruin
- rumble
- rumor
- rust
- ruthless
- sack
- sacred
- sacrifice
- safe
- safeguard
- saintly
- sake
- salute
- sample
- sandwich
- satire
- saunter
- savage
- save
- saving
- say
- scan
- scanty
- scarcely
- scare
- scatter
- scene
- scenery
- scent
- scheme
- school
- science
- scold
- scope
- scout
- scrap
- scrape
- scratch
- scream
- screen
- screw
- sea
- seal
- seam
- second
- secondary
- secure
- see
- select
- selection
- sell
- senate
- send
- senior
- sensation
- sensational
- sense
- sensible
- sensitive
- sensitivity
- sentiment
- sentimental
- separate
- sequence
- series
- setting
- settle
- settlement
- severe
- shade
- shadow
- shady
- shaft
- shake
- shallow
- sham
- shame
- shameful
- shape
- share
- sharp
- shave
- sheer
- shelter
- shield
- shift
- shine
- shipment
- shipwreck
- shiver
- shoot
- shore
- short
- shortcut
- shot
- shou
- shoulder
- show
- shrewd
- shriek
- shrink
- shut
- shutter
- side
- side by side
- side with
- sideway
- sideways
- sight
- sightseeing
- sign
- signal
- signature
- significance
- significant
- signify
- silence
- silicon
- silver
- similar
- similarity
- simplicity
- simplify
- simulate
- simultaneous
- sin
- sincere
- sincerity
- single
- singular
- sink
- siren
- site
- situated
- situation
- skeleton
- sketch
- skill
- skin
- slack
- slap
- slap down
- slave
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slit
- slogan
- slope
- slum
- sly
- smash
- smell
- smile
- smooth
- smuggle
- snatch
- snobbish
- soak
- sober
- society
- sociology
- soil
- solar
- sole
- solemn
- solid
- solidify
- soluble
- solution
- solve
- sophisticated
- sophomore
- sore
- sorrow
- sort
- soul
- sound
- sour
- source
- space
- span
- spare
- spark
- sparkle
- speak
- special
- specialist
- specialize
- specialty
- species
- specific
- specify
- spectacle
- spectacular
- spectator
- speculate
- speed
- spend
- sphere
- spill
- spin
- spirit
- spite
- splash
- splendid
- split
- spoil
- sponge
- sponsor
- spontaneous
- spot
- spray
- spread
- sprinkle
- sprout
- spur
- spy
- square
- squeeze
- stab
- stability
- stabilize
- stable
- stack
- staff
- stage
- stain
- stake
- stall
- stamp
- standard
- standardize
- standpoint
- stare
- starve
- state
- statesman
- static
- station
- stationary
- stationery
- statistical
- statistics
- statue
- stature
- status
- steady
- steal
- steam
- steer
- stem
- step
- stern
- steward
- stick
- sticky
- stiff
- stimulate
- sting
- stir
- stitch
- stock
- stomach
- stoop
- stop
- store
- straight
- straightforward
- strain
- strange
- strap
- straw
- stream
- streamline
- strength
- strengthen
- stress
- stretch
- strict
- stride
- strike
- strike back
- strike up
- striking
- string
- strip
- stripe
- strive
- stroke
- structural
- structure
- struggle
- stubborn
- studio
- studious
- study
- stuff
- stuffy
- stumble
- subdivide
- subdue
- subject
- submarine
- submerge
- submit
- subordinate
- subscribe
- subsequent
- substance
- substantial
- substitute
- subtle
- subtract
- suburb
- subway
- succeed
- success
- successful
- succession
- successive
- successor
- suck
- sue
- suffer
- sufficient
- suggest
- suicide
- suit
- suitable
- sum
- summarize
- summary
- summit
- summon
- super
- superb
- superficial
- superfluous
- superior
- superiority
- supersonic
- supervise
- supply
- support
- suppose
- suppress
- supreme
- sure
- surname
- surpass
- surplus
- surprise
- surround
- surroundings
- survival
- survive
- suspect
- suspend
- suspicion
- suspicious
- sustain
- swallow
- swarm
- sway
- swear
- sweep
- sweet
- swell
- swift
- swing
- symbol
- symmetrize
- symmetry
- sympathetic
- sympathize
- sympathy
- symphony
- symposium
- symptom
- synchronize
- syndrome
- synthesis
- synthetic
- system
- systematic
- tablet
- taboo
- tack
- tackle
- tact
- tactical
- tactics
- tag
- tailor
- talent
- talented
- talk
- talkative
- tame
- tap
- tape
- target
- tariff
- taste
- tax
- tear
- tease
- technical
- technique
- technological
- technology
- tedious
- teenager
- telegraph
- tell
- temper
- temperature
- tempo
- temporary
- tempt
- temptation
- tend
- tendency
- tender
- tense
- tension
- tentative
- term
- terminal
- terminate
- terrible
- terrific
- terrify
- territory
- terror
- terrorist
- testify
- testimony
- textile
- theatre
- theft
- theism
- theme
- theoretical
- theory
- therapy
- thermal
- thermometer
- thesis
- thicken
- thigh
- thin
- think
- thirst
- thirsty
- thorn
- thorough
- thought
- threaten
- thrill
- thrive
- throw
- thrust
- thumb
- thunder
- tick
- ticket
- tide
- tidy
- tie
- tilt
- timid
- timidity
- tin
- tiny
- tip
- tired
- tiresome
- tissue
- title
- toast
- token
- tolerance
- tolerant
- tolerate
- top
- torrent
- torture
- toss
- total
- touch
- touching
- tough
- tour
- tow
- trace
- track
- trade
- tradition
- traffic
- tragedy
- tragic
- trail
- traitor
- tramp
- transaction
- transfer
- transform
- transformer
- transient
- transistor
- transition
- translate
- transmission
- transmit
- transparent
- transplant
- transport
- trap
- treason
- treasure
- treat
- treatment
- treaty
- tremble
- tremendous
- trench
- trend
- trial
- triangle
- tribute
- trick
- trifle
- trim
- triple
- triumph
- triumphant
- trivial
- trouble
- troublesome
- trust
- tuck
- tuck away
- tuck in
- tug
- tumble
- turbulence
- turbulent
- turnip
- turnover
- tutor
- twin
- twinkle
- twist
- typhoon
- ultimate
- ultraviolet
- unanimous
- uncertain
- uncertainty
- uncover
- under way
- underestimate
- undergo
- underline
- underlying
- undermine
- undertake
- undo
- unfit
- unfold
- unfortunate
- uniform
- unify
- union
- unite
- unity
- universal
- unlike
- unlikely
- unload
- unsuitable
- untie
- upgrade
- uphold
- upright
- uproar
- upset
- upside-down
- upward
- urban
- urge
- urgent
- use
- used
- utility
- utilization
- utilize
- utmost
- utter
- vacant
- vacation
- vague
- vain
- valid
- validate
- validity
- valuable
- value
- vanish
- vanity
- variable
- variation
- variety
- various
- vary
- vegetable
- vegetation
- velocity
- venture
- verbal
- verdict
- verify
- versatile
- version
- vertical
- veteran
- vibrate
- vice
- vicinity
- vicious
- victorious
- victory
- view
- vigorous
- vinegar
- violate
- violence
- virgin
- virtue
- virus
- visible
- vision
- visual
- vital
- vivid
- vocation
- voice
- void
- volt
- voltage
- volume
- voluntary
- volunteer
- voyage
- wage
- wake
- waken
- wall
- want
- ward
- warfare
- warmth
- warn
- warrant
- waste
- watch
- wave
- wave aside
- wax
- wealth
- wealthy
- wear
- weary
- weave
- wedge
- weed
- weep
- weigh
- weight
- welcome
- welfare
- well
- wet
- while
- whip
- whirl
- whisper
- whistle
- whitewash
- wicked
- wide
- wide awake
- widen
- widow
- will
- win
- wind
- wing
- wipe
- wipe off
- wipe up
- wire
- wisdom
- wit
- withdraw
- withhold
- withstand
- witness
- witty
- word
- work
- worship
- worth
- worthwhile
- worthy
- wrap
- wreck
- wrench
- wrinkle
- write
- wrong