输入英文单词或中文词语查询其翻译,例如 英语单词 或 English
- a few
- a matter of
- a number of
- ability
- able
- aboard
- about
- above
- above all
- abroad
- absent
- absolute
- absorb
- abstract
- academic
- accent
- accept
- access
- accident
- accompany
- accomplish
- according
- according to
- account
- account for
- accurate
- accuse
- ache
- achieve
- achievement
- acquire
- across
- act
- act on
- action
- active
- activity
- actor
- actress
- actual
- adapt
- adapt oneself to
- add
- addition
- additional
- address
- adequate
- adjective
- adjust
- administration
- admire
- admission
- admit
- adopt
- adult
- advance
- advanced
- advantage
- adventure
- adverb
- advertisement
- advice
- advise
- affair
- affect
- afford
- afraid
- after
- after all
- afternoon
- again
- against
- age
- agency
- agent
- ago
- agree
- agree on
- agree with
- agreement
- agriculture
- ahead
- aid
- aim
- air
- airline
- airplane
- airport
- alarm
- alike
- alive
- all
- all but
- all over
- allow
- almost
- alone
- along
- aloud
- alphabet
- already
- also
- although
- altitude
- altogether
- always
- amaze
- America
- American
- among
- amount
- amuse
- analysis
- analyze
- ancient
- and
- anger
- angle
- angry
- animal
- announce
- annoy
- annual
- another
- answer
- answer for
- ant
- anxious
- any
- anybody
- anyhow
- anyone
- anything
- anything but
- anyway
- anywhere
- apart
- apart from
- apartment
- apologize
- apology
- apparent
- appear
- appearance
- appetite
- apple
- application
- apply
- appoint
- appreciate
- approach
- appropriate
- approve
- approximately
- April
- area
- argue
- argument
- arise
- arise from
- arithmetic
- arm
- army
- around
- arrange
- arrest
- arrival
- arrive
- arrow
- art
- artist
- as
- as a matter of fact
- as far as
- as follows
- as if
- as soon as
- as though
- as to
- as usual
- as well
- as well as
- as yet
- ash
- ashamed
- aside
- ask
- ask after
- ask for
- asleep
- aspect
- assist
- assistant
- associate
- association
- assume
- assure
- astonish
- astronaut
- at
- at a loss
- at all costs
- at best
- at first
- at hand
- at heart
- at last
- at least
- at length
- at most
- at the cost of
- at the mercy of
- at the moment
- atmosphere
- atom
- attach
- attack
- attempt
- attend
- attend to
- attention
- attitude
- attract
- attractive
- audience
- August
- aunt
- author
- authority
- auto
- autumn
- available
- avenue
- average
- avoid
- awake
- award
- aware
- away
- awful
- B
- baby
- back
- back and forth
- background
- backward
- bad
- badly
- bag
- baggage
- bake
- balance
- ball
- balloon
- ban
- banana
- band
- bank
- bar
- barber
- bare
- bargain
- base
- basic
- basin
- basis
- basket
- basketball
- bat
- bath
- bathe
- bathroom
- battery
- battle
- bay
- be
- be absorbed in
- be aware of
- be busy with
- be capable of
- be concerned with
- be dependent on
- be different from
- be entitled to
- be good at
- be independent of
- be loyal to
- be made up of
- be responsible for
- be satisfied with
- be seated
- be tired of
- beach
- beam
- bean
- bear
- beard
- beast
- beat
- beautiful
- beauty
- because
- because of
- become
- bed
- bee
- beef
- beer
- before
- beg
- beggar
- begin
- beginning
- behave
- behavior
- behind
- being
- belief
- believe
- believe in
- bell
- belong
- belong to
- below
- belt
- bench
- bend
- beneath
- benefit
- beside
- besides
- best
- bet
- better
- between
- beyond
- Bible
- bicycle
- big
- bill
- billion
- bind
- biology
- bird
- birth
- birthday
- biscuit
- bit
- bite
- bitter
- black
- blackboard
- blame
- blank
- blind
- block
- blood
- blow
- blue
- board
- boat
- body
- boil
- bold
- bomb
- bond
- bone
- book
- boot
- border
- bore
- born
- borrow
- boss
- both
- both and
- bother
- bottle
- bottom
- boundary
- bow
- bowl
- box
- boy
- brain
- branch
- brand
- brave
- bread
- break
- break down
- break off
- break out
- break up
- breakfast
- breath
- breathe
- brick
- bridge
- brief
- bright
- brilliant
- bring
- bring about
- bring down
- bring forth
- bring forward
- bring up
- broadcast
- brother
- brown
- brush
- build
- build up
- building
- bunch
- burden
- burn
- burn up
- burst
- bury
- bus
- bush
- business
- busy
- but
- but for
- butter
- button
- buy
- by all means
- by chance
- by far
- by hand
- by itself
- by means of
- by mistake
- by no means
- by the way
- by way of
- cabbage
- cable
- cake
- calculate
- call
- call for
- camel
- camera
- camp
- campaign
- campus
- can
- canal
- cancel
- cancer
- candle
- cap
- capable
- capacity
- capital
- captain
- capture
- car
- carbon
- care
- care for
- career
- careful
- careless
- cargo
- carpenter
- carpet
- carry
- carry off
- carry on
- carry out
- cart
- case
- cash
- cassette
- cast
- castle
- cat
- catch
- catch up with
- cattle
- cause
- cave
- cease
- ceiling
- celebrate
- cell
- cent
- centimetre
- central
- centre
- century
- ceremony
- certain
- certainly
- certificate
- chain
- chair
- chairman
- chalk
- challenge
- champion
- chance
- change
- channel
- chapter
- character
- characteristic
- charge
- chart
- chat
- cheap
- cheat
- check
- check in
- check out
- cheek
- cheer
- cheerful
- cheese
- chemical
- chemist
- chemistry
- cheque
- chest
- chicken
- chief
- child
- childhood
- chill
- chimney
- chin
- China
- china
- Chinese
- chocolate
- choice
- choose
- Christmas
- church
- cigaret
- cinema
- circle
- citizen
- city
- civil
- civilization
- claim
- clap
- class
- classic
- classical
- classify
- classmate
- classroom
- clean
- clear
- clear up
- clerk
- clever
- climate
- climb
- clinic
- clock
- close
- cloth
- clothes
- clothing
- cloud
- cloudy
- club
- clue
- coach
- coal
- coarse
- coast
- coat
- cock
- code
- coffee
- coin
- cold
- collar
- colleague
- collect
- collection
- college
- color
- column
- comb
- combination
- combine
- come
- come off
- come on
- come out
- come to
- come up
- come up to
- come up with
- comfort
- comfortable
- command
- commander
- comment
- commercial
- commit
- committee
- common
- communicate
- communication
- communism
- communist
- community
- company
- compare
- compare to
- compare with
- compass
- compete
- competition
- complain
- complete
- complex
- complicated
- compose
- composition
- compound
- comprehension
- computer
- comrade
- concentrate
- concept
- concern
- concerning
- concert
- conclude
- conclusion
- concrete
- condition
- conduct
- conductor
- conference
- confess
- confidence
- confident
- confirm
- conflict
- confuse
- congratulate
- congress
- connect
- connection
- conquer
- conscious
- consequence
- consequently
- consider
- considerable
- consist
- construction
- consult
- consume
- consumer
- contact
- contain
- container
- content
- continent
- continual
- continue
- continuous
- contract
- contrary
- contrast
- contribute
- control
- convenience
- convenient
- conversation
- convey
- convince
- cook
- cool
- cooperate
- cooperation
- copper
- copy
- core
- corn
- corner
- correct
- correspond
- cost
- costly
- cottage
- cotton
- cough
- could
- council
- count
- count on
- counter
- country
- countryside
- county
- couple
- courage
- course
- court
- cousin
- cover
- cow
- crack
- crash
- crawl
- crazy
- cream
- create
- creature
- credit
- crew
- crime
- criminal
- critical
- criticism
- crop
- cross
- crowd
- crown
- crude
- cruel
- cry
- cube
- culture
- cup
- cupboard
- cure
- curiosity
- curious
- current
- curse
- curtain
- curve
- custom
- customer
- cut
- cut down
- cut off
- cut out
- cut short
- cycle
- daily
- dam
- damage
- dance
- danger
- dangerous
- dare
- dark
- darling
- dash
- data
- date
- daughter
- dawn
- day
- daylight
- dead
- deaf
- deal
- deal with
- dear
- death
- debt
- decade
- December
- decide
- decision
- deck
- declare
- decrease
- deed
- deep
- deer
- defeat
- defence
- defend
- define
- definite
- degree
- delay
- delicate
- delicious
- delight
- deliver
- delivery
- demand
- democracy
- demonstrate
- dense
- department
- depend
- depend on
- dependent
- deposit
- depth
- describe
- description
- desert
- deserve
- design
- desirable
- desire
- desk
- despair
- despite
- destroy
- detail
- detect
- determination
- determine
- develop
- development
- devil
- devise
- devote
- diagram
- dial
- dialogue
- diameter
- diamond
- diary
- dictation
- dictionary
- die
- differ
- differ from
- difference
- different
- difficult
- difficulty
- dig
- dim
- dimension
- dinner
- dip
- direct
- direction
- directly
- director
- dirt
- dirty
- disadvantage
- disagree
- disappear
- disappoint
- discipline
- discourage
- discover
- discovery
- discuss
- discussion
- disease
- disgust
- dish
- dislike
- dismiss
- display
- dissolve
- distance
- distinct
- distinguish
- distribute
- district
- disturb
- ditch
- dive
- divide
- division
- do away with
- do without
- doctor
- document
- dog
- dollar
- domestic
- donkey
- door
- dot
- double
- doubt
- doubtful
- down
- dozen
- draft
- drag
- drain
- dramatic
- draw
- drawer
- drawing
- dream
- dress
- drift
- drill
- drink
- drive
- driver
- drop
- drop in
- drop off
- drop out
- drown
- drug
- drum
- dry
- duck
- due
- due to
- dull
- dumb
- during
- dusk
- dust
- duty
- dye
- each
- eager
- eagle
- ear
- early
- earn
- earth
- earthquake
- ease
- east
- eastern
- easy
- eat
- economic
- economical
- economically
- economics
- economy
- edge
- edition
- editor
- educate
- education
- effect
- effective
- efficiency
- efficient
- effort
- egg
- eight
- eighteen
- eighth
- eighty
- either
- elder
- elderly
- elect
- election
- electric
- electrical
- electrician
- electricity
- electronic
- element
- elementary
- elephant
- elevator
- eleven
- else
- elsewhere
- emergency
- emotion
- emphasis
- employ
- employee
- employer
- employment
- empty
- enable
- encourage
- end
- endure
- enemy
- energy
- engine
- engineer
- engineering
- enjoy
- enjoy oneself
- enormous
- enough
- enquire
- enter
- entertain
- enthusiasm
- entire
- entitle
- entity
- entrance
- entry
- envelope
- environment
- envy
- equal
- equip
- equipment
- era
- erect
- error
- escape
- especially
- essential
- establish
- establishment
- estimate
- eve
- even
- evening
- event
- eventually
- ever
- ever so
- every
- every other
- everybody
- everyday
- everyone
- everything
- everywhere
- evidence
- evident
- evil
- exact
- exam
- examine
- example
- exceed
- excellent
- except
- except for
- exception
- exchange
- excite
- exclaim
- excuse
- execute
- exercise
- exhaust
- exhibit
- exhibition
- exist
- existence
- expand
- expect
- expensive
- experience
- experiment
- expert
- explain
- explanation
- explode
- explore
- explosion
- explosive
- export
- expose
- express
- expression
- extend
- extensive
- extent
- external
- extra
- extraordinary
- extreme
- eye
- eyesight
- face
- fact
- factor
- factory
- fade
- fail
- failure
- fair
- fairly
- faith
- faithful
- fall in with
- familiar
- family
- famous
- fan
- far
- far from
- fare
- farewell
- farm
- farmer
- farther
- fashion
- fast
- fasten
- fat
- fate
- father
- fault
- favor
- favorite
- fear
- feather
- feature
- February
- fee
- feed
- feel
- feel like
- feeling
- fellow
- female
- fence
- fertilizer
- festival
- fetch
- fever
- few
- fiber
- field
- fierce
- fifteen
- fifth
- fifty
- fight
- figure
- figure out
- file
- fill
- film
- final
- financial
- find
- find out
- fine
- finger
- finish
- fire
- firm
- first
- first of all
- fish
- fisherman
- fist
- fit
- five
- fix
- flag
- flame
- flash
- flat
- flavor
- flexible
- flight
- float
- flood
- floor
- flour
- flow
- flower
- fluent
- fluid
- fly
- focus
- focus on
- fog
- fold
- folk
- follow
- following
- fond
- food
- fool
- foolish
- foot
- football
- footstep
- for
- for a moment
- for a while
- for instance
- for short
- for the better
- for the moment
- for the sake of
- forbid
- force
- forecast
- forehead
- foreign
- foreigner
- forest
- forever
- forget
- forgive
- fork
- form
- formal
- former
- forth
- fortunate
- fortunately
- fortune
- forty
- forward
- found
- foundation
- fountain
- four
- fourteen
- fourth
- fraction
- frame
- framework
- frank
- free
- freedom
- freeze
- freight
- French
- frequency
- frequent
- fresh
- Friday
- friend
- friendly
- friendship
- frighten
- frog
- from
- front
- frontier
- frost
- frown
- fruit
- fry
- fuel
- fulfil
- full
- fun
- function
- fund
- fundamental
- funny
- fur
- furnace
- furniture
- further
- future
- gain
- gallon
- game
- gap
- garage
- garden
- gas
- gasoline
- gate
- gather
- gather in
- gay
- gene
- general
- generally
- generally speaking
- generate
- generation
- generator
- generous
- genius
- gentle
- gentleman
- gently
- geography
- geometry
- get
- get along
- get at
- get by
- get down
- get in
- get into
- get off
- get over
- get rid of
- get the best of
- get the better of
- get through
- get up
- ghost
- giant
- gift
- girl
- give
- give away
- give in
- give off
- give out
- give up
- give way to
- glad
- glance
- glass
- glimpse
- globe
- glorious
- glory
- glove
- glow
- glue
- go
- go after
- go back on
- go by
- go down
- go in for
- go off
- go on
- go out
- go over
- go through
- go up
- go with
- go without
- go wrong
- goal
- goat
- god
- gold
- golden
- good
- goodby
- goodness
- goods
- goose
- government
- governor
- grace
- graceful
- grade
- gradual
- graduate
- grain
- gram
- grammar
- grand
- grandfather
- grandmother
- grant
- grape
- graph
- grasp
- grass
- grateful
- grave
- gravity
- great
- greatly
- greedy
- green
- greet
- greeting
- grey
- grind
- grip
- grocery
- ground
- group
- grow
- growth
- guard
- guess
- guest
- guide
- guilty
- gulf
- gum
- gun
- habit
- had better
- hair
- half
- hall
- hammer
- hand
- hand down
- hand in
- hand in hand
- hand out
- hand over
- handkerchief
- handle
- handsome
- handwriting
- hang
- hang about
- hang back
- hang on
- happen
- happy
- harbor
- hard
- harden
- hardly
- hardware
- harm
- harvest
- haste
- hat
- hate
- have
- have got
- have no idea
- have nothing to do with
- have to
- hay
- he
- head
- head for
- headache
- health
- healthy
- heap
- hear
- heart
- heat
- heave
- heaven
- heavy
- height
- helicopter
- hell
- hello
- help
- help out
- helpful
- helpless
- hen
- hence
- henceforth
- her
- here
- hero
- hers
- herself
- hesitate
- hide
- high
- highly
- highway
- hill
- him
- himself
- hint
- hire
- his
- historical
- history
- hit
- hit it off
- hobby
- hoe
- hold
- hold back
- hold on
- hold out
- hold to
- hold up
- hole
- holiday
- home
- homework
- honest
- honey
- honorable
- hook
- hope
- hopeful
- hopeless
- horizon
- horror
- horse
- hospital
- host
- hot
- hotel
- hour
- house
- household
- housewife
- housework
- how
- How about
- however
- huge
- human
- humble
- humor
- hundred
- hunger
- hunt
- hurry
- hurt
- husband
- ice
- idea
- ideal
- identify
- if
- ignore
- ill
- illness
- illustrate
- image
- imaginary
- imagination
- imaginative
- imagine
- imitate
- immediate
- immediately
- immense
- impact
- imply
- importance
- important
- impossible
- impress
- impression
- improve
- improvement
- in a moment
- in a word
- in all
- in any case
- in brief
- in case
- in case of
- in charge of
- in consequence of
- in detail
- in fact
- in favor of
- in force
- in general
- in hand
- in high spirits
- in honour of
- in itself
- in line with
- in nature
- in no case
- in no way
- in other words
- in reply to
- in short
- in spite of
- in the distance
- in the way of
- in vain
- inch
- incident
- incline
- income
- increase
- indeed
- indefinite
- independent
- index
- indicate
- indirect
- individual
- indoors
- industrial
- industry
- infant
- infect
- influence
- inform
- information
- inherit
- initial
- injure
- ink
- inn
- innocent
- inquire
- insect
- inside
- insist
- inspect
- inspire
- instal
- instance
- instant
- instead
- instead of
- institute
- institution
- instruction
- instrument
- insult
- insurance
- insure
- intelligence
- intelligent
- intend
- intense
- intention
- interest
- interfere
- interference
- intermediate
- internal
- international
- internet
- interpret
- interrupt
- interval
- interview
- intimate
- into
- introduce
- introduction
- invade
- invent
- invention
- invest
- investment
- invisible
- invitation
- invite
- involve
- inward
- iron
- island
- isolate
- issue
- item
- its
- itself
- labor
- laboratory
- lack
- ladder
- lady
- lake
- lamp
- land
- landlord
- language
- large
- largely
- laser
- last
- late
- lately
- later
- latter
- laugh
- laugh at
- laughter
- launch
- laundry
- law
- lawyer
- lay
- lay aside
- lay down
- lay out
- layer
- lazy
- lead
- lead to
- leader
- leadership
- leading
- leaf
- league
- leak
- lean
- learn
- learned
- learning
- least
- leather
- leave
- leave behind
- leave out
- lecture
- left
- leg
- legal
- leisure
- lend
- lend itself to
- length
- lens
- less
- lesson
- lest
- let
- let alone
- let out
- letter
- level
- liberty
- librarian
- library
- lid
- lie
- lie in
- life
- lift
- light
- lightning
- like
- likely
- limb
- limit
- limitation
- limited
- link
- lion
- lip
- liquid
- list
- listen
- literary
- literature
- litre
- little
- live
- live through
- live up to
- lively
- living
- load
- loaf
- loan
- local
- locate
- location
- lock
- logic
- lonely
- long
- look
- look after
- look back
- look down on
- look for
- look forward to
- look in
- look into
- look out
- look over
- look through
- look up
- loose
- lorry
- lose
- loss
- lot
- loud
- love
- lovely
- lover
- low
- lower
- loyal
- luck
- lucky
- luggage
- lump
- lunch
- machine
- machinery
- mad
- magazine
- magic
- magnetic
- magnificent
- mailbox
- main
- mainly
- maintain
- major
- majority
- make
- make for
- make out
- make the best of
- make up
- make up for
- male
- mall
- man
- manage
- management
- manager
- mankind
- manner
- manual
- manufacture
- manufacturer
- many
- many a
- map
- march
- margin
- mark
- market
- marriage
- married
- marry
- marvelous
- mask
- mass
- master
- match
- mate
- material
- mathematics
- matter
- mature
- maximum
- may
- May
- maybe
- mayor
- me
- meal
- mean
- meaning
- means
- meantime
- meanwhile
- measure
- measurement
- meat
- mechanic
- mechanical
- medal
- media
- medical
- medicine
- medium
- meet
- meeting
- melt
- member
- memory
- mend
- mental
- mention
- menu
- merchant
- mercy
- mere
- merit
- merry
- message
- metal
- meter
- method
- microphone
- microscope
- midday
- middle
- midnight
- might
- mild
- mile
- military
- milk
- mill
- millimeter
- million
- mine
- mineral
- minimum
- minister
- minor
- minority
- minus
- minute
- miracle
- mirror
- miserable
- miss
- missile
- missing
- mission
- mistake
- Mister
- mistress
- misunderstand
- mix
- mixture
- mobile
- mode
- model
- moderate
- modern
- modest
- moisture
- moment
- Monday
- money
- monkey
- month
- monthly
- monument
- mood
- moon
- moral
- more
- more and more
- more or less
- moreover
- morning
- most
- mostly
- mother
- motion
- motive
- motor
- mount
- mountain
- mouse
- mouth
- move
- movement
- movie
- much
- mud
- multiple
- murder
- muscle
- museum
- music
- musical
- musician
- must
- my
- myself
- mysterious
- mystery
- false
- nail
- naked
- name
- name after
- narrow
- nation
- national
- nationality
- native
- natural
- nature
- navy
- near
- nearby
- nearly
- neat
- necessary
- necessity
- neck
- need
- needle
- negative
- neglect
- Negro
- neighbor
- neighborhood
- neither
- nephew
- nerve
- nervous
- nest
- net
- network
- never
- nevertheless
- new
- news
- newspaper
- next
- nice
- niece
- night
- nine
- nineteen
- ninety
- ninth
- no
- no doubt
- no less than
- no more
- no more than
- noble
- nobody
- nod
- noise
- noisy
- none
- nonsense
- noodle
- noon
- nor
- normal
- north
- northern
- northwest
- nose
- not
- not at all
- note
- notebook
- nothing
- notice
- noun
- novel
- November
- now
- now that
- nowadays
- nowhere
- nuclear
- number
- numerous
- nurse
- nut
- obey
- object
- oblige
- observation
- observe
- observer
- obtain
- obvious
- occasion
- occasional
- occupy
- occur
- ocean
- October
- odd
- of
- of itself
- off
- off duty
- offend
- offer
- office
- officer
- official
- often
- oil
- old
- omit
- on
- on board
- on business
- on condition that
- on duty
- on purpose
- on the basis of
- on the contrary
- on the ground of
- on the spot
- on the whole
- once
- once in a while
- one after another
- oneself
- onion
- only
- onto
- open
- opening
- opera
- operate
- operation
- opinion
- opportunity
- oppose
- opposite
- or so
- oral
- orange
- order
- orderly
- ordinary
- organ
- organization
- organize
- origin
- original
- other
- otherwise
- ought
- ounce
- our
- ours
- ourselves
- out
- out of
- outcome
- outdoor
- outer
- outlet
- outlook
- output
- outside
- outstanding
- outward
- oven
- over
- overcoat
- overcome
- overlook
- oversea
- owe
- own
- owner
- ox
- pace
- pacific
- pack
- package
- packet
- pad
- page
- pain
- painful
- paint
- painter
- painting
- pair
- palace
- pale
- palm
- paper
- paragraph
- pardon
- parent
- park
- part
- participate
- particle
- particular
- particularly
- partner
- party
- pass
- passage
- passenger
- passive
- passport
- past
- paste
- pat
- path
- patience
- patient
- pattern
- pause
- paw
- pay
- pay attention to
- payment
- pea
- peace
- peaceful
- peak
- pear
- peasant
- peculiar
- pen
- pencil
- penny
- people
- pepper
- per
- percent
- percentage
- perfect
- perform
- performance
- perhaps
- period
- permanent
- permission
- permit
- persist
- person
- personal
- persuade
- pet
- petrol
- petroleum
- phase
- phenomenon
- philosophy
- phone
- photo
- phrase
- physical
- physicist
- physics
- piano
- pick
- pick out
- pick up
- picnic
- picture
- pie
- piece
- pig
- pigeon
- pile
- pill
- pillow
- pilot
- pin
- pink
- pint
- pioneer
- pipe
- pity
- plain
- plan
- plane
- planet
- plant
- plastic
- plate
- platform
- play
- player
- playground
- please
- pleasure
- plentiful
- plenty
- plot
- plow
- plug
- plunge
- plural
- plus
- poem
- poet
- poetry
- point
- poison
- poisonous
- pole
- police
- policeman
- policy
- polish
- polite
- political
- politician
- politics
- pollute
- pollution
- pond
- pool
- poor
- popular
- population
- pork
- port
- porter
- portion
- position
- positive
- possess
- possession
- possibility
- possible
- possibly
- post
- postage
- postcard
- postpone
- pot
- potato
- pound
- pour
- poverty
- powder
- power
- powerful
- practical
- practically
- practice
- practise
- praise
- pray
- precious
- precise
- predict
- prefer
- preparation
- prepare
- prescribe
- presence
- present
- preserve
- president
- press
- pressure
- pretend
- pretty
- prevent
- previous
- price
- pride
- primary
- principal
- principle
- prison
- prisoner
- private
- prize
- probable
- probably
- problem
- procedure
- proceed
- process
- procession
- produce
- product
- production
- profession
- professional
- professor
- profit
- program
- progress
- progressive
- project
- promise
- promote
- pronoun
- pronounce
- pronunciation
- proof
- proper
- property
- proportion
- proposal
- propose
- protect
- protein
- protest
- proud
- prove
- provide
- province
- provision
- public
- publication
- publish
- pull
- pull down
- pull in
- pull off
- pulse
- pump
- punctual
- punish
- pupil
- purchase
- pure
- purple
- purpose
- purse
- pursue
- push
- put
- put away
- put down
- put forward
- put off
- put on
- put out
- put up
- put up with
- puzzle
- rabbit
- race
- radar
- radio
- rag
- rail
- railroad
- rain
- raincoat
- rainy
- raise
- range
- rank
- rapid
- rare
- rarely
- rat
- rate
- rather
- ratio
- raw
- ray
- reach
- react
- reaction
- read
- reader
- reading
- ready
- real
- reality
- realize
- really
- rear
- reason
- reasonable
- recall
- receipt
- receive
- receiver
- recent
- recently
- reception
- recognize
- recommend
- record
- recorder
- recover
- recovery
- red
- reduce
- reduction
- refer
- reference
- reflect
- reflection
- reform
- refrigerator
- refuse
- regard
- regarding
- regardless
- regardless of
- region
- register
- regret
- regular
- reject
- relate
- relation
- relationship
- relative
- relax
- release
- reliable
- relief
- religion
- rely
- rely on
- remain
- remark
- remarkable
- remember
- remind
- remote
- remove
- renew
- rent
- repair
- repeat
- repetition
- replace
- reply
- report
- reporter
- represent
- representative
- republic
- request
- require
- rescue
- research
- resemble
- reserve
- reservoir
- residence
- resist
- resistance
- resolution
- resolve
- resource
- respect
- respective
- respond
- respond to
- response
- responsibility
- responsible
- rest
- restaurant
- restless
- restore
- restrict
- result
- result from
- result in
- resume
- retain
- retire
- return
- reveal
- reverse
- review
- revise
- revolution
- revolutionary
- reward
- ribbon
- rice
- rich
- rid
- riddle
- ride
- rifle
- right
- right away
- right now
- ring
- ripe
- rise
- risk
- river
- road
- roar
- rob
- rock
- rocket
- rod
- role
- roll
- roller
- roof
- room
- root
- rose
- rough
- round
- route
- routine
- royal
- rub
- rubber
- rubbish
- rude
- ruin
- rule
- ruler
- rural
- rush
- sad
- safe
- safety
- sail
- sailor
- sake
- salad
- salary
- sale
- salesman
- salt
- same
- sample
- sand
- sandwich
- satellite
- satisfaction
- satisfactory
- satisfy
- Saturday
- saucer
- sausage
- save
- save for
- save from
- save up
- saving
- saw
- say
- scale
- scarce
- scarcely
- scare
- scatter
- scene
- schedule
- scheme
- scholar
- school
- science
- scientific
- scientist
- scissors
- scold
- scope
- score
- scream
- screen
- screw
- sea
- seal
- search
- season
- seat
- second
- secondary
- secret
- secretary
- section
- secure
- security
- see
- see off
- see to
- seed
- seek
- seem
- seize
- seldom
- select
- selection
- self
- selfish
- sell
- sell out
- senate
- send
- send for
- send in
- send off
- senior
- sense
- sensitive
- sentence
- separate
- September
- series
- serious
- servant
- serve
- serve as
- service
- set
- set aside
- set down
- set forth
- set off
- set out
- set up
- settle
- seven
- seventeen
- seventh
- seventy
- several
- severe
- sew
- sex
- sexual
- shade
- shadow
- shake
- shall
- shallow
- shame
- shape
- share
- sharp
- shave
- she
- shed
- sheep
- sheet
- shelf
- shell
- shelter
- shield
- shift
- shine
- ship
- shirt
- shit
- shiver
- shock
- shoe
- shoot
- shoot down
- shoot off
- shoot up
- shop
- shore
- short
- short of
- shortage
- shortcoming
- shorthand
- shortly
- shot
- should
- shoulder
- shout
- show
- shower
- shut
- shy
- sick
- side
- sight
- sightseeing
- sign
- signal
- signature
- significance
- significant
- silence
- silent
- silk
- silly
- silver
- similar
- simple
- simply
- since
- sincere
- sing
- single
- sink
- sir
- sister
- sit
- site
- situation
- six
- sixteen
- sixth
- sixty
- size
- skate
- sketch
- ski
- skilful
- skill
- skilled
- skin
- skirt
- sky
- slave
- sleep
- sleeve
- slide
- slight
- slim
- slip
- slope
- slow
- slow down
- small
- smart
- smear
- smell
- smile
- smoke
- smooth
- snake
- snow
- so
- so as to
- so far
- soap
- so-called
- social
- socialism
- socialist
- society
- sock
- soda
- sofa
- soft
- soil
- solar
- soldier
- sole
- solid
- solve
- some
- somebody
- somehow
- someone
- something
- sometime
- sometimes
- somewhat
- somewhere
- son
- song
- soon
- sooner or later
- sore
- sorrow
- sorry
- sort
- soul
- sound
- soup
- sour
- source
- south
- southeast
- southern
- southwest
- sow
- space
- spacecraft
- spacious
- spade
- span
- Spanish
- spare
- spark
- speak
- speaker
- spear
- special
- specialist
- specialize
- specialty
- specific
- speech
- speed
- spell
- spelling
- spend
- sphere
- spider
- spill
- spin
- spirit
- spiritual
- spit
- spite
- splendid
- split
- spoil
- spoon
- sport
- sportsman
- spot
- spray
- spread
- spring
- spy
- square
- stable
- staff
- stage
- stain
- stair
- stale
- stamp
- stand
- stand a chance
- stand by
- stand for
- stand out
- stand up
- stand up for
- stand up to
- standard
- star
- stare
- start
- starve
- state
- statement
- statesman
- station
- statistic
- statistics
- stay
- stay up
- steady
- steak
- steal
- steam
- steamer
- steel
- steep
- stem
- step
- stick
- stick to
- stiff
- still
- stir
- stock
- stocking
- stomach
- stone
- stool
- stoop
- stop
- storage
- store
- storm
- story
- stove
- straight
- strain
- strange
- stranger
- strategy
- straw
- stream
- street
- strength
- strengthen
- stress
- stretch
- strict
- strike
- striking
- string
- stripe
- stroke
- strong
- structure
- struggle
- stubborn
- student
- study
- stuff
- stupid
- sturdy
- style
- stylish
- subject
- submarine
- substance
- substitute
- subtract
- suburb
- subway
- succeed
- success
- successful
- succession
- successive
- such
- suck
- sudden
- suffer
- sufficient
- sugar
- suggest
- suggestion
- suit
- suitable
- suitcase
- suite
- sum
- summarize
- summary
- summer
- sun
- Sunday
- sunlight
- sunrise
- sunset
- sunshine
- super
- superior
- supermarket
- supper
- supply
- support
- suppose
- supreme
- sure
- surface
- surprise
- surrender
- surround
- surroundings
- survey
- survival
- survive
- suspect
- swallow
- sway
- swear
- sweat
- sweater
- sweep
- swift
- swim
- swing
- switch
- symbol
- sympathy
- system
- table
- tail
- tail off
- tailor
- take a walk
- take advantage of
- take after
- take back
- take care of
- take charge of
- take for
- take for granted
- take in
- take off
- take on
- take out
- take over
- take up
- tale
- talk
- talk of
- talk over
- tall
- tame
- tank
- tap
- tape
- target
- task
- taste
- tax
- taxi
- tea
- teach
- teacher
- team
- tear
- technical
- technique
- technology
- telegram
- telephone
- telescope
- television
- tell
- temper
- temperature
- temple
- temporary
- temptation
- ten
- tend
- tendency
- tender
- tennis
- tense
- tent
- tenth
- term
- terrible
- territory
- terror
- test
- text
- than
- thank
- Thank God
- thanks to
- that
- that is to say
- the
- the moment
- the rest
- theater
- their
- theirs
- them
- themselves
- then
- theory
- there
- thereafter
- thereby
- therefore
- thermometer
- these
- they
- thick
- thief
- thin
- thing
- think
- think of
- think out
- third
- thirsty
- thirteen
- thirty
- this
- thorough
- those
- though
- thought
- thoughtful
- thousand
- thread
- threat
- threaten
- three
- throat
- through
- throughout
- throw
- thrust
- thunder
- Thursday
- thus
- ticket
- tide
- tidy
- tie
- tiger
- tight
- till
- tin
- tiny
- tip
- tired
- tissue
- title
- to
- to begin with
- tobacco
- today
- toe
- together
- toilet
- tolerate
- tomato
- tomorrow
- ton
- tone
- tongue
- tonight
- too
- tool
- tooth
- top
- topic
- torch
- total
- touch
- tough
- tour
- tourist
- toward
- towel
- tower
- town
- toy
- trace
- track
- tractor
- trade
- tradition
- traditional
- traffic
- trail
- train
- training
- transfer
- transform
- transistor
- translate
- translation
- transmission
- transmit
- transport
- trap
- travel
- tray
- treasure
- treat
- treatment
- tree
- tremble
- tremendous
- trend
- trial
- triangle
- trick
- trim
- trip
- triumph
- troop
- trouble
- trousers
- truck
- truly
- trumpet
- trust
- truth
- try
- try on
- try out
- tub
- tube
- Tuesday
- tune
- turn
- turn down
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn to
- turn up
- twelfth
- twelve
- twentieth
- twenty
- twice
- twin
- twist
- two
- type
- typewriter
- typical
- tyre
- ugly
- umbrella
- uncle
- uncomfortable
- under
- undergo
- underground
- underline
- underneath
- understand
- understanding
- undertake
- uneasy
- unexpected
- uniform
- union
- unique
- unit
- unite
- unity
- universe
- university
- unknown
- unless
- unlike
- unnecessary
- until
- unusual
- upon
- upper
- upset
- upstairs
- up-to-date
- upward
- urban
- urge
- urgent
- us
- use
- used
- useful
- useless
- usual
- usually
- utmost
- wage
- wagon
- wait
- waiter
- waitress
- wake
- waken
- walk
- wall
- wander
- want
- war
- warm
- warmth
- warn
- warn of
- wash
- waste
- watch
- water
- waterproof
- wave
- wax
- we
- weak
- weakness
- wealth
- wealthy
- weapon
- wear
- wear out
- weather
- weave
- web
- wedding
- Wednesday
- weed
- week
- weekday
- weekend
- weekly
- weigh
- weight
- welcome
- welfare
- well
- west
- western
- wet
- what
- What about
- whatever
- whatsoever
- wheat
- wheel
- when
- whenever
- where
- whereas
- whereby
- wherever
- whether
- which
- whichever
- while
- whip
- whisper
- whistle
- white
- who
- whoever
- whole
- wholly
- whom
- whose
- why
- wicked
- wide
- widely
- widespread
- width
- wife
- wild
- will
- willing
- win
- wind
- window
- wine
- wing
- winter
- wipe
- wipe away
- wipe off
- wipe out
- wire
- wisdom
- wise
- wish
- wit
- with
- with the help of
- withdraw
- within
- without
- witness
- wolf
- woman
- wonder
- wonderful
- wood
- wooden
- wool
- word
- word for word
- work
- work at
- work out
- worker
- workman
- workshop
- world
- worm
- worry
- worse
- worship
- worst
- worth
- worthwhile
- worthy
- would
- wound
- wrap
- wrist
- write
- writer
- wrong