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英 [vəʊt]
美 [voʊt]
  • v.


  • n.


  • 变形



    1. vt. & vi. 投票,表决 express one's choice officially
    2. vt. 一致认为 agree or state as the general opinion
    3. vt. 提议,建议 suggest; propose
    1. [C] 投票,选举,表决 the showing of one's opinion for or against sb/sth at a meeting
    2. [C] 票,选票 the piece of paper on which a choice is expressed
    3. [S] 表决结果,投票总数 a decision made by voting; the whole number of such choices
    4. [S] 选举权,投票权,表决权 right to vote, especially in political elections


    vote[ vəut ]

    • n.
      • a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative

        "there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion"


      • the opinion of a group as determined by voting

        "they put the question to a vote"

      • a legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US constitution; guaranteed to women by the 19th amendment

        "American women got the vote in 1920"

        同义词:right to votesuffrage

      • a body of voters who have the same interests

        "he failed to get the Black vote"

      • the total number of votes cast

        "they are hoping for a large vote"

        同义词:voter turnout

    • v.
      • express one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution; cast a vote

        "He voted for the motion"; "None of the Democrats voted last night"

      • express one's choice or preference by vote

        "vote the Democratic ticket"

      • express a choice or opinion

        "I vote that we all go home"; "She voted for going to the Chinese restaurant"

      • be guided by in voting

        "vote one's conscience"

      • bring into existence or make available by vote

        "They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in Asia"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • vote sb a pension表决决定给某人养老金
    • vote democratically民主选举
    • vote inconsistently不协调地选举
    • vote intelligently明智地选举
    • vote legally合法地选举
    • vote loyally忠诚地投票
    • vote regularly正规选举
    • vote unanimously一致表决
    • vote down否决,投票反对
    • vote the suggestion down否决这项提案
    • vote sb in投票拥护…上台执政
    • vote out通过投票使…下台
    • vote out a measure否决一项议案
    • vote through投票通过
    • vote against投票反对
    • vote against a bill投票反对一议案
    • vote against the government party投票反对执政党
    • vote at election进行选举投票
    • vote by ballot进行无记名投票
    • vote by a show of hands举手表决(某事)
    • vote for投票支持
    • vote in favour of投赞成票
    • vote into投票把…选入
    • vote sb into office投票选某人任(职)
    • vote sb into power投票拥护…上台执政
    • vote on〔upon〕就…表决
    • vote on a resolution就某一决议进行表决
    • vote sb out of office通过投票表决把某人赶下台
    • vote sb with an increased majority以压倒多数的选票拥护…
    用作名词 (n.)
    • buy a vote收买选票
    • cast a vote投票
    • change〔switch〕 one's vote改投其他的票
    • count the vote计票
    • deliver〔get out〕 the vote拉票,拉人参加投票
    • get〔 receive〕sb's vote获得某人的选票
    • get〔have, qualify for〕 the vote获得〔有,取得〕选举权
    • influence a vote影响投票结果
    • lose the votes失去选票
    • obtain votes得票
    • pass a vote通过决议
    • propose〔take〕 a vote提议〔进行〕表决
    • deciding〔decisive〕 vote决定性的一票
    • direct vote直接投票
    • heavy〔light〕 vote票数多〔少〕
    • solid vote完全一致的投票结果
    • independent vote无党派选票
    • open〔secret〕 vote记名〔不记名〕投票
    • enough votes足够的选票
    • spoiled votes废票
    • majority vote多数票
    • straw vote假投票
    • voice vote口头表决
    • vote to adjourn表决休会
    • by a vote通过投票
    • right to vote选举〔投票,表决〕权
    • vote against反对票
    • vote for支持…的一票
    • vote of censure不信任票
    • vote on有关…的票,就…的投票表决


    vote for投票赞成

    vote on就…表决

    vote in投票选出

    right to vote投票权

    vote against投票反对

    majority vote多数票决

    vote of confidence信任票;赞同;支持

    cast a vote投票

    put to the vote付诸表决

    popular vote n. 普选;直接投票

    vote of no confidence不信任投票

    casting vote决定票;决定性一票

    unanimous vote全票通过或拥护

    negative vote[法]反对票

    vote out选举中击败

    vote down否决;罢免

    affirmative vote赞成票

    take a vote表决

    voice vote口头表决



    1. Give women the vote!
    2. I suggested putting the matter to a vote, but the chairman demurred to it.
    3. A large vote was polled.
    4. He used his casting vote to block the motion.
    5. This vote spells defeat for the government.
    6. The vote will be held next month.
    7. Was the vote for or against the resolution?
    1. We are going to vote on the plan .
    2. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
    3. I may vote for her at the next election.
    4. Only citizens are eligible to vote.
    5. Parliament voted the bill through without a debate.
    6. He refused to declare which way he would vote.


    One share-one vote and the market for corporate control
    One share-one vote and the market for corporate control
    To Vote or Not to Vote:The Merits and Limits of Rational Choice Theory
    Incumbent Behavior: Vote-Seeking, Tax-Setting, and Yardstick Competition
    Whose vote should count more: optimal integration of labels from labelers of unknown expertise
    Incentives to cultivate a personal vote: A rank ordering of electoral formulas ☆
    The VP-function: A survey of the literature on vote and popularity functions after 25 years
    Anxiety, Enthusiasm, and the Vote: The Emotional Underpinnings of Learning and Involvement During Presidential Campaigns
    The Subread aligner: fast, accurate and scalable read mapping by seed-and-vote
    Credible Governance? Transparency, Political Control, the Personal Vote and British Quangos