输入英文单词或中文词语查询其翻译,例如 英语单词 或 English
- ability
- able
- about
- above
- abroad
- absent
- accent
- accept
- accident
- ache
- achieve
- across
- act
- action
- active
- add
- address
- adult
- advantage
- advertisement
- advice
- advise
- afford
- afraid
- after
- afternoon
- again
- against
- age
- ago
- agree
- agreement
- air
- airline
- airplane
- airport
- alive
- all
- allow
- almost
- alone
- along
- aloud
- already
- also
- although
- always
- America
- American
- among
- ancient
- and
- angry
- animal
- another
- answer
- ant
- any
- anybody
- anyone
- anything
- anyway
- anywhere
- appear
- apple
- appreciate
- April
- area
- arm
- army
- around
- arrive
- art
- article
- as
- Asia
- ask
- asleep
- at
- Atlantic
- attention
- attitude
- August
- aunt
- Australia
- Australian
- autumn
- avoid
- awake
- away
- baby
- back
- background
- bad
- bag
- ball
- balloon
- bamboo
- banana
- bank
- baseball
- basic
- basket
- basketball
- bathroom
- be
- beach
- bear
- beat
- beautiful
- because
- become
- bed
- bedroom
- bee
- beef
- before
- begin
- behavior
- behind
- believe
- below
- beside
- besides
- between
- beyond
- big
- bike
- bill
- bird
- birth
- birthday
- biscuit
- bit
- bitter
- black
- blackboard
- blind
- blood
- blow
- blue
- board
- boat
- body
- book
- boring
- born
- borrow
- boss
- both
- bottle
- bottom
- bowl
- box
- boy
- brain
- brave
- bread
- break
- breakfast
- breath
- breathe
- bridge
- bright
- bring
- brother
- brown
- brush
- build
- building
- burn
- bus
- business
- busy
- but
- butter
- butterfly
- buy
- by
- bye
- cabbage
- cake
- call
- camel
- camera
- camp
- can
- Canada
- cancel
- cancer
- candle
- candy
- cap
- capital
- captain
- car
- card
- care
- careful
- careless
- carry
- cat
- catch
- cause
- CD
- ceiling
- celebrate
- cent
- centre
- century
- certain
- chair
- chairman
- chalk
- chance
- change
- cheap
- cheat
- check
- cheer
- cheese
- chemistry
- chess
- chest
- chicken
- child
- China
- Chinese
- chocolate
- choice
- choose
- chopstick
- Christmas
- church
- cinema
- circle
- clap
- class
- classmate
- classroom
- clean
- clear
- clever
- climb
- clock
- clone
- close
- clothes
- cloud
- cloudy
- club
- coach
- coal
- coast
- coat
- coffee
- coin
- Coke
- cold
- collect
- college
- colour
- come
- comfortable
- common
- communicate
- communication
- company
- compare
- competition
- complete
- composition
- computer
- concert
- conclusion
- condition
- conference
- connect
- consider
- continue
- control
- conversation
- cook
- cooker
- cool
- copy
- corner
- correct
- cost
- cotton
- cough
- could
- count
- country
- countryside
- couple
- courage
- course
- cousin
- cover
- cow
- crayon
- crazy
- create
- cross
- cruel
- cry
- culture
- cup
- cut
- dad
- daily
- dance
- danger
- dangerous
- dare
- dark
- date
- daughter
- day
- dead
- deaf
- deal
- dear
- death
- December
- decide
- decision
- deep
- degree
- dentist
- depend
- describe
- desk
- develop
- development
- dialogue
- diary
- dictionary
- die
- difference
- different
- difficult
- difficulty
- dig
- dinner
- direct
- direction
- director
- dirty
- discover
- discovery
- discuss
- disease
- dish
- dismiss
- disturb
- divide
- do
- doctor
- dog
- doll
- dollar
- door
- double
- doubt
- down
- download
- downstairs
- dozen
- draw
- drawer
- dream
- dress
- drink
- drive
- driver
- drop
- drug
- drum
- dry
- duck
- dumpling
- during
- duty
- each
- ear
- early
- earth
- east
- eastern
- easy
- eat
- edge
- education
- effort
- eight
- eighteen
- eighth
- eighty
- either
- elder
- electric
- elephant
- eleven
- else
- emotion
- empty
- encourage
- end
- enemy
- energy
- engineer
- England
- English
- enjoy
- enough
- enter
- environment
- eraser
- especially
- Europe
- European
- even
- evening
- ever
- every
- everybody
- everyday
- everyone
- everything
- everywhere
- exam
- examine
- example
- excellent
- except
- excite
- excuse
- exercise
- expect
- expensive
- experience
- experiment
- explain
- express
- eye
- face
- fact
- factory
- fail
- fair
- family
- famous
- fan
- fantastic
- far
- farm
- farmer
- fast
- fat
- father
- favourite
- fear
- February
- feed
- feel
- feeling
- festival
- fetch
- fever
- few
- field
- fifteen
- fifth
- fifty
- fight
- fill
- final
- find
- fine
- finger
- finish
- fire
- first
- fish
- fisherman
- fit
- five
- fix
- flag
- flat
- floor
- flower
- flu
- fly
- follow
- food
- foot
- football
- for
- force
- foreign
- foreigner
- forest
- forget
- fork
- form
- forty
- forward
- four
- fourteen
- fourth
- fox
- free
- freeze
- fresh
- Friday
- fridge
- friend
- friendly
- friendship
- frog
- from
- front
- fruit
- full
- fun
- funny
- furniture
- future
- game
- garden
- gate
- general
- gentleman
- geography
- gesture
- get
- gift
- giraffe
- girl
- give
- glad
- glass
- glove
- go
- goal
- goat
- god
- gold
- golden
- good
- good-bye
- goose
- government
- grade
- grammar
- grandchild
- granddaughter
- grandma
- grandpa
- grandparent
- grandson
- granny
- grape
- grass
- great
- green
- greeting
- ground
- group
- grow
- guard
- guess
- guest
- guitar
- gun
- gym
- habit
- hair
- half
- hall
- ham
- hand
- handbag
- handsome
- handwriting
- hang
- happen
- happy
- hard
- hardly
- hat
- hate
- have
- he
- head
- headache
- health
- healthy
- hear
- heart
- heat
- heaven
- heavy
- height
- hello
- help
- helpful
- hen
- her
- here
- hero
- hers
- herself
- hide
- high
- hill
- him
- himself
- his
- history
- hit
- hobby
- hold
- hole
- holiday
- home
- hometown
- homework
- honest
- honour
- hope
- horse
- hospital
- hot
- hotel
- hour
- house
- housework
- how
- however
- huge
- human
- humorous
- hundred
- hungry
- hurry
- hurt
- husband
- ice
- ice-cream
- idea
- if
- ill
- illness
- imagine
- immediately
- important
- impossible
- improve
- in
- inch
- include
- increase
- India
- Indian
- industry
- infer
- influence
- information
- ink
- inside
- insist
- instead
- instruction
- interest
- interesting
- international
- Internet
- interview
- into
- introduce
- introduction
- invent
- invention
- invite
- iron
- island
- its
- itself
- lab
- laboratory
- labour
- lady
- lake
- lamb
- lamp
- land
- language
- large
- last
- late
- laugh
- law
- lay
- lazy
- lead
- leader
- leaf
- learn
- leave
- left
- leg
- lemonade
- lend
- lesson
- let
- letter
- level
- library
- lie
- life
- lift
- light
- like
- lion
- list
- listen
- litter
- little
- live
- lively
- living
- lock
- London
- lonely
- long
- look
- lose
- lot
- loud
- love
- lovely
- low
- luck
- lucky
- lunch
- machine
- mad
- madam
- magazine
- magic
- main
- make
- man
- manage
- manager
- many
- map
- March
- mark
- market
- marriage
- marry
- master
- match
- math
- mathematics
- matter
- may
- May
- maybe
- me
- meal
- mean
- meaning
- meat
- medical
- medicine
- meet
- meeting
- member
- memory
- mend
- mention
- menu
- message
- metal
- method
- metre
- middle
- might
- mile
- milk
- mine
- minute
- mirror
- Miss
- miss
- mistake
- model
- modern
- Mom
- moment
- Monday
- money
- monitor
- monkey
- month
- moon
- more
- morning
- most
- mother
- mountain
- mouse
- mouth
- move
- movie
- Mr
- Mrs
- Ms
- much
- murder
- museum
- music
- must
- my
- myself
- Pacific
- package
- page
- paint
- pair
- palace
- pale
- pancake
- panda
- paper
- paragraph
- pardon
- parent
- park
- part
- party
- pass
- passage
- passenger
- passport
- past
- path
- patient
- pay
- peace
- pear
- pen
- pencil
- penny
- people
- percent
- perfect
- perhaps
- period
- person
- personal
- pet
- phone
- photo
- photograph
- physics
- piano
- pick
- picnic
- picture
- pie
- piece
- pig
- pilot
- pink
- pioneer
- pity
- plain
- plan
- plane
- planet
- plant
- plastic
- plate
- play
- playground
- pleasant
- please
- pleasure
- plenty
- poem
- point
- police
- policeman
- polite
- pollute
- pond
- pool
- poor
- pop
- popular
- population
- pork
- position
- possible
- post
- postcard
- postman
- potato
- pound
- practice
- practise
- praise
- predict
- prepare
- present
- president
- prevent
- price
- pride
- primary
- prison
- prisoner
- private
- prize
- probably
- problem
- produce
- programme
- progress
- promise
- pronounce
- pronunciation
- proper
- protect
- proud
- prove
- provide
- public
- pull
- punish
- pupil
- purpose
- purse
- push
- put
- rabbit
- race
- radio
- railway
- rain
- raincoat
- rainy
- raise
- rapid
- rat
- rather
- reach
- read
- ready
- real
- realise
- really
- reason
- receive
- recent
- recite
- record
- recorder
- red
- refuse
- regard
- regret
- relation
- relax
- remain
- remember
- repair
- repeat
- reply
- report
- require
- research
- respect
- responsibility
- rest
- restaurant
- result
- retell
- return
- review
- rice
- rich
- riddle
- ride
- right
- ring
- rise
- river
- road
- robot
- rock
- role
- room
- rope
- rose
- round
- row
- rubber
- rubbish
- rule
- ruler
- rush
- Russia
- Russian
- sad
- safe
- safety
- sail
- salad
- sale
- salt
- same
- sand
- sandwich
- satisfy
- Saturday
- sausage
- save
- say
- scarf
- school
- schoolbag
- science
- scientist
- score
- screen
- sea
- search
- season
- seat
- second
- secret
- secretary
- see
- seem
- seldom
- sell
- send
- sense
- sentence
- separate
- September
- serious
- servant
- serve
- service
- set
- seven
- seventeen
- seventh
- seventy
- several
- shake
- shall
- shame
- shape
- share
- she
- sheep
- shelf
- shine
- ship
- shirt
- shoe
- shop
- short
- shorts
- should
- shoulder
- shout
- show
- shower
- shut
- shy
- sick
- side
- sight
- silence
- silent
- silk
- silly
- silver
- similar
- simple
- since
- sing
- single
- sir
- sister
- sit
- situation
- six
- sixteen
- sixth
- sixty
- size
- skate
- skill
- skirt
- sky
- sleep
- sleepy
- slow
- small
- smart
- smell
- smile
- smoke
- smooth
- snake
- snow
- snowy
- so
- soap
- society
- sock
- sofa
- soft
- soldier
- solid
- some
- somebody
- someone
- something
- sometimes
- somewhere
- son
- song
- soon
- sorry
- sort
- sound
- soup
- south
- southern
- space
- spare
- speak
- speaker
- speech
- speed
- spell
- spend
- spirit
- spoon
- sport
- spread
- spring
- square
- stair
- stamp
- stand
- standard
- star
- start
- state
- station
- stay
- steal
- steel
- step
- stick
- still
- stomach
- stone
- stop
- store
- storm
- story
- strange
- stranger
- strawberry
- stream
- street
- strict
- strong
- student
- study
- stupid
- subject
- succeed
- success
- successful
- such
- sudden
- sugar
- suggest
- suggestion
- summary
- summer
- sun
- Sunday
- sunny
- supermarket
- supper
- supply
- suppose
- sure
- surprise
- sweater
- sweep
- sweet
- swim
- swimming
- swing
- table
- table tennis
- tail
- tale
- talk
- tall
- tape
- task
- taste
- taxi
- tea
- teach
- teacher
- team
- technology
- teenager
- telephone
- tell
- temperature
- ten
- tennis
- tent
- tenth
- term
- terrible
- test
- text
- than
- thank
- that
- the
- theatre
- their
- theirs
- them
- themselves
- then
- there
- these
- they
- thick
- thin
- thing
- think
- third
- thirsty
- thirteen
- thirty
- this
- those
- though
- thought
- thousand
- thread
- three
- through
- throw
- Thursday
- ticket
- tidy
- tie
- tiger
- till
- tiny
- tired
- title
- to
- today
- together
- toilet
- tomato
- tomorrow
- ton
- tongue
- tonight
- too
- tool
- tooth
- toothache
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- top
- topic
- total
- touch
- tour
- tourist
- toward
- towel
- tower
- town
- toy
- trade
- traffic
- train
- training
- translate
- travel
- treasure
- treat
- treatment
- tree
- trip
- trouble
- trousers
- truck
- trust
- truth
- try
- T-shirt
- Tuesday
- turn
- TV
- twelfth
- twelve
- twentieth
- twenty
- twice
- two
- wait
- wake
- walk
- wall
- want
- war
- warm
- warn
- wash
- waste
- watch
- water
- watermelon
- we
- weak
- wealth
- wear
- weather
- website
- Wednesday
- week
- weekday
- weekend
- weigh
- weight
- welcome
- well
- west
- western
- wet
- whale
- what
- whatever
- wheat
- wheel
- when
- whenever
- where
- whether
- which
- while
- white
- who
- whole
- whom
- whose
- why
- wide
- wife
- will
- win
- wind
- window
- windy
- wine
- wing
- winner
- winter
- wise
- wish
- with
- without
- wolf
- woman
- wood
- word
- work
- worker
- world
- worry
- worth
- wound
- write
- wrong