输入英文单词或中文词语查询其翻译,例如 英语单词 或 English
- a
- abandon
- abandoned
- abandonment
- able
- aboard
- about
- above
- accept
- accident
- account
- accuse
- achieve
- acquire
- act
- add
- admire
- admit
- adventure
- advertise
- advice
- advise
- affair
- affect
- afford
- afraid
- after
- again
- ago
- agree
- ahead
- alive
- all
- allow
- almost
- alone
- along
- although
- always
- amount
- and
- announce
- another
- answer
- anxious
- any
- anybody
- anyhow
- anyone
- anything
- apologize
- appear
- appreciate
- approach
- argue
- arise
- around
- arrange
- arrive
- as
- ask
- asleep
- assess
- assist
- at
- attach
- attend
- attention
- attract
- average
- avoid
- award
- back
- badly
- balance
- bargain
- base
- basic
- because
- become
- bed
- before
- beg
- begin
- behave
- behind
- belief
- belong
- benefit
- besides
- bite
- blame
- block
- book
- both
- break
- bring
- burst
- bury
- business
- but
- by
- call
- calm
- campaign
- can
- care
- carry
- case
- catch
- cause
- ceiling
- certain
- challenge
- chance
- change
- charge
- chat
- check
- cheer
- choice
- choose
- circle
- clean
- clear
- climb
- close
- collect
- combine
- come
- command
- comment
- common
- companion
- compare
- compete
- complete
- concentrate
- concern
- conclude
- condition
- conductor
- confirm
- conscious
- consider
- consist
- constant
- consult
- contain
- content
- contrary
- contribute
- control
- convince
- copy
- correct
- cost
- count
- courage
- crowd
- cry
- cure
- curious
- cut
- daily
- dare
- debt
- decide
- decision
- declare
- defeat
- defend
- delight
- delighted
- deliver
- demand
- depend
- desert
- deserve
- design
- destroy
- devote
- diet
- different
- difficulty
- direct
- disagree
- distance
- do
- doubt
- drive
- drop
- each
- earn
- educate
- effort
- either
- electronic
- else
- employ
- end
- entertain
- equal
- escape
- especially
- ever
- exact
- examine
- excuse
- exist
- expand
- expect
- experience
- explanation
- explode
- explore
- export
- expose
- face
- fact
- fancy
- feel
- finally
- find
- focus
- fold
- form
- funeral
- gain
- gather
- go
- goal
- graduate
- guide
- handle
- harm
- harmful
- have
- head
- hear
- height
- help
- hold
- hope
- host
- how
- however
- human being
- hunt
- ignore
- impress
- impression
- increase
- indeed
- inform
- injure
- insist
- inspect
- inspection
- instant
- instead
- intend
- interest
- journey
- just
- keep
- knock
- know
- lack
- last
- lay
- lead
- learn
- leave
- less
- level
- lie
- limit
- link
- long
- look
- lose
- make
- manage
- matter
- measure
- meet
- memory
- mention
- message
- might
- mix
- mixture
- moment
- more
- much
- must
- need
- neither
- nervous
- never
- none
- nothing
- notice
- number
- observe
- obvious
- offer
- once
- one
- only
- opinion
- optimistic
- or
- order
- organise
- other
- otherwise
- ought
- outdoors
- ownership
- permission
- permit
- personal
- persuade
- pick
- point
- position
- practise
- preserve
- pressure
- probably
- problem
- promise
- pull
- put
- puzzle
- quality
- raise
- rather
- raw
- reach
- react
- real
- realise
- reason
- receive
- recognize
- recover
- reduce
- refer
- refuse
- regret
- reject
- reliable
- religious
- rely
- remember
- remind
- remove
- replace
- represent
- request
- rescue
- reservation
- respect
- result
- reward
- rewind
- rid
- right
- roll
- ruin
- save
- say
- scene
- schedule
- score
- search
- see
- seek
- select
- separate
- set
- settle
- settlement
- shade
- share
- shock
- should
- show
- sign
- signal
- since
- sink
- slide
- so
- solve
- some
- soon
- spend
- spin
- spirit
- spiritual
- spot
- squeeze
- stand
- stare
- steal
- step
- still
- stop
- straight
- strength
- strict
- struggle
- succeed
- such
- suffer
- suggest
- support
- sure
- surprise
- surround
- survivor
- suspect
- sweep
- swell
- swing
- system
- talk
- that
- the
- then
- theory
- therefore
- Thermos
- think
- though
- throw
- tradition
- transport
- trap
- treat
- trick
- trouble
- try
- type
- understand
- unless
- unlike
- until
- upset
- use
- usual
- usually
- value
- violent
- vote
- wait
- walk
- watch
- well
- what
- whatever
- when
- where
- whether
- which
- while
- whisper
- who
- will
- wonder
- word
- worry
- worth
- would
- yet
- abacus
- ability
- abnormal
- abolish
- abrupt
- absence
- absolute
- abstract
- absurd
- abundant
- abuse
- academy
- acceptable
- access
- accessible
- accommodation
- accompany
- accomplish
- accountant
- accumulate
- accuracy
- acknowledge
- acquaintance
- action
- activity
- acute
- adapt
- addicted
- addiction
- adequate
- admirable
- admission
- adolescence
- adolescent
- adopt
- adore
- advance
- advocate
- aeroplane
- afterwards
- aggression
- aggressive
- agreement
- agricultural
- aid
- Aids
- aircraft
- airline
- airmail
- airplane
- airport
- alarm
- alien
- amber
- amphibian
- analytical
- announcement
- announcer
- apology
- appendix
- appetite
- applaud
- assignment
- astronomer
- astronomy
- athletics
- atlanta
- backwards
- bet
- Bible
- Big Bang
- blister
- brighten
- brightness
- bruise
- Buckingham Palace
- cabin
- career
- carnival
- certainly
- certificate
- chimp
- choral
- click
- clue
- clumsy
- coincidence
- combination
- comet
- commitment
- communist
- compass
- compensate
- competence
- component
- compromise
- compulsory
- condemn
- confidential
- congratulate
- conscience
- consensus
- conservation
- conservative
- consistent
- constitution
- consultant
- consume
- container
- contradict
- contradictory
- controversial
- conventional
- convey
- cooperation
- correspond
- corrupt
- counter
- county
- cowboy
- crack
- craftsman
- crash
- cream
- crew
- criterion
- crossing
- cube
- cubic
- cuisine
- currency
- cushion
- customs
- database
- deadly
- decade
- decline
- decoration
- delay
- delete
- delicate
- delta
- deny
- departure
- deposit
- depth
- designer
- desperate
- destination
- detail
- determination
- diagram
- dialect
- digital
- dignity
- dilemma
- diploma
- directory
- disappearance
- disappoint
- discourage
- discrimination
- disgusting
- dissolve
- distribute
- diverse
- dizzy
- donate
- dot
- drag
- drawback
- due
- dull
- dynamic
- dynasty
- easy-going
- effect
- elect
- elegant
- emperor
- endless
- enlarge
- enquiry
- enrich
- enterprise
- entertaining
- entertainment
- entry
- equality
- equip
- erupt
- essential
- etc
- evaluate
- eventually
- evident
- evolution
- excitement
- exhaust
- exhausted
- expense
- expertise
- explicit
- extension
- extinct
- extinction
- eyewitness
- fade
- fairy
- faith
- fame
- fashion
- fasten
- fathom
- federal
- ferry
- fiction
- figure
- fingernail
- flavour
- flee
- flexible
- fluently
- forbid
- foresee
- forgetful
- format
- former
- fortnight
- fortune
- fountain
- freezing
- friction
- frontier
- fry
- fundamental
- gallery
- gallon
- garment
- gay
- geologist
- geometry
- giant
- glacier
- glance
- global
- goddess
- goods
- gossip
- govern
- grand
- graph
- greet
- grill
- grizzly
- grocer
- guarantee
- haircut
- handful
- handy
- hardship
- harmony
- hatch
- headline
- heal
- hearing
- helmet
- herb
- herd
- holy
- hook
- hover
- howl
- hurricane
- hydrogen
- identification
- idiomatic
- imaginary
- imaginative
- imitate
- immigration
- import
- incense
- industrial
- infect
- infection
- infectious
- ingredient
- initial
- insure
- interval
- interviewee
- invader
- investigate
- investigation
- involve
- irrigation
- joust
- knight
- label
- lace
- landmine
- lantern
- laundry
- layer
- leap
- lessen
- liberate
- liberation
- liberty
- librarian
- lily
- livelihood
- loaf
- loneliness
- longitude
- lounge
- lunar
- maple
- marathon
- marble
- Mars
- mascot
- mathematical
- mature
- maximum
- meander
- means
- media
- medium
- melon
- memorial
- merchant
- merciful
- merely
- mess
- messy
- microscope
- microwave
- millionaire
- minimum
- miniskirt
- ministry
- mist
- monument
- motor
- mourn
- mouthful
- moveable
- muscle
- musical
- mustard
- mutton
- nationalism
- naughty
- navigation
- navy
- necessity
- negative
- negotiate
- nerve
- nitrogen
- noble
- nonverbal
- novelist
- numb
- observation
- obtain
- occur
- offence
- offshore
- oilfield
- ointment
- opera
- opportunity
- oppose
- orbit
- organic
- original
- outbreak
- outcome
- outline
- oval
- overhead
- overlook
- overnight
- overweight
- owe
- packet
- paddle
- pan
- panic
- paperwork
- parallel
- participate
- partly
- passive
- patent
- pearl
- pedestrian
- penguin
- penniless
- perfume
- permanent
- personnel
- phenomenon
- pianist
- pile
- pill
- pin
- pint
- pirate
- poison
- poisonous
- polar
- pole
- polish
- politician
- politics
- portable
- porter
- positive
- possess
- possession
- postpone
- posture
- potential
- pray
- prayer
- precise
- predict
- preference
- pregnant
- prejudice
- premier
- preparation
- prescription
- presence
- presentation
- press
- previous
- prime
- primitive
- prince
- princess
- principle
- privilege
- procedure
- produce
- producer
- programmer
- prohibit
- promote
- protective
- protein
- psychology
- pulse
- punctual
- punctuation
- purchase
- pure
- pyramid
- quake
- qualification
- questionnaire
- queue
- quilt
- quit
- racial
- radioactive
- rain
- rainbow
- random
- rap
- rate
- razor
- reaction
- rebuild
- receptionist
- recipe
- recite
- recommend
- recreation
- rectangle
- reference
- reflect
- refresh
- regardless
- register
- regulation
- relate
- relay
- relevant
- relic
- remark
- reptile
- reputation
- resemble
- resign
- resist
- respectful
- responsible
- restriction
- reunite
- revolutionary
- rhyme
- ridiculous
- rigid
- ripe
- ripen
- rob
- rot
- roundabout
- route
- routine
- rugby
- sacred
- sacrifice
- salute
- saucer
- scan
- scar
- scare
- scold
- scratch
- sculpture
- seagull
- seal
- seashell
- seasonal
- seaweed
- security
- seize
- semicircle
- seminar
- separation
- session
- settler
- shabby
- sharpen
- sharpener
- shaver
- shortly
- shrink
- shuttle
- sideways
- signature
- significance
- similarity
- skateboard
- skull
- slavery
- slice
- slip
- smelly
- smog
- sneeze
- snowstorm
- sob
- socialism
- socialist
- socket
- solar
- sorghum
- sorrow
- soul
- source
- sow
- spade
- spear
- specialize
- spellbind
- split
- spoil
- spoonful
- spray
- stable
- staff
- stain
- stainless
- starvation
- statesman
- steady
- stir
- stocking
- storage
- stout
- straightforward
- strait
- strengthen
- stress
- string
- style
- subscribe
- substitute
- subway
- suck
- suite
- superb
- superior
- supreme
- surgeon
- surplus
- survey
- survival
- suspension
- swear
- sympathy
- systematic
- tadpole
- tailor
- talent
- tank
- target
- tasteless
- tax
- taxpayer
- teapot
- technique
- telescope
- tend
- tendency
- tension
- terminal
- theft
- theoretical
- thirst
- threaten
- thriller
- thunderstorm
- tin
- tire
- tiresome
- tortoise
- tough
- tractor
- tram
- tramp
- transform
- transparent
- tremble
- trend
- troublesome
- trunk
- tune
- Turkey
- turning
- twist
- typhoon
- unable
- unbreakable
- uncomfortable
- unconscious
- underdog
- undertake
- underwear
- unemployment
- unexpected
- unfit
- unforgettable
- unpaid
- unrest
- upper
- upwards
- urgent
- vacant
- vague
- vain
- valid
- verbal
- vet
- via
- vice
- videophone
- virtue
- visa
- vitamin
- vivid
- voluntary
- wage
- warehouse
- watery
- wax
- weave
- weed
- westwards
- widow
- withdraw
- woollen
- workplace
- worn-out
- worthy
- wreath
- wrestle
- wrinkle
- yell
- yoghurt
- yummy
- zipper
- zone
- zoom
- a bit
- a great deal of
- a number of
- a series of
- above all
- according to
- accuse of
- add up to
- ahead of
- apart from
- as a matter of fact
- as a result
- as far as
- as if
- as long as
- as usual
- as well
- as well as
- at an end
- at dusk
- at ease
- at midnight
- at present
- at war
- attach to
- badly off
- be content with
- be famous for
- be fond of
- be likely to
- be modeled after
- be satisfied with
- be sentenced to
- be strict with
- belong to
- both and
- break away from
- break down
- break in
- break out
- break up
- bring in
- bring up
- build up
- burst into
- burst into laughter
- by accident
- by chance
- call on
- calm down
- care about
- care for
- carry on
- change one's mind
- come about
- come across
- come into being
- come on
- come out
- come to life
- come to power
- come true
- come up
- come up with
- compare to
- compare with
- concentrate on
- consist of
- crowd in
- cut down
- cut off
- day and night
- deal with
- depend on
- die out
- dig out
- divide into
- dozens of
- draw a conclusion
- dream of
- dress up
- drop in
- due to
- earn one's living
- either or
- even if
- even though
- ever since
- expose to
- face to face
- fall in love
- first aid
- focus on
- get away with
- get close to
- get through
- get tired of
- give in
- give up
- go ahead
- go by
- go on with
- go through
- hang up
- have a gift for
- have got to
- have to
- hear from
- hear of
- hold on
- hold one's breath
- human being
- hundreds of
- hurry up
- in a way
- in a word
- in addition
- in advance
- in cash
- in charge
- in danger
- in debt
- in general
- in memory of
- in need of
- in one's turn
- in order that
- in order to
- in other words
- in place
- in rags
- in relief
- in return
- in search of
- in the distance
- in time
- in trouble
- instead of
- join in
- keep on
- keep one's word
- lead a life
- lead to
- leave out
- less than
- look ahead
- look forward to
- look through
- lose face
- lose sight of
- lose weight
- make a difference
- make sense
- make up
- make up of
- make up one's mind
- make use of
- manage to do
- move off
- neither nor
- no doubt
- no longer
- no wonder
- not only but also
- now that
- on purpose
- on the contrary
- one after another
- or else
- ought to
- out of work
- over and over again
- pay attention to
- pay back
- pay for
- pay off
- pick out
- pick up
- play a part
- play a trick
- play jokes on
- point out
- protect from
- protect from
- put away
- put forward
- put off
- put on weight
- put one's hands on
- put up with
- refer to
- remind of
- rid of
- right away
- run away
- run out of
- scores of
- send for
- send out
- set down
- set free
- set off
- set out
- set up
- settle down
- show off
- slide into
- slide into
- so far
- so long as
- so that
- sooner or later
- sort out
- speed up
- squeeze out
- stand for
- star in
- stare at
- stick to
- such as
- suffer from
- sweep up
- take a chance
- take apart
- take off
- take part in
- take place
- take the place of
- take up
- the more the more
- think about
- think highly of
- think of
- thousands of
- to be honest
- to one's credit
- turn one's back to
- turn to
- up to now
- used to
- watch out
- watch over
- win back
- with the help of
- work out
- worry about
- would rather