输入英文单词或中文词语查询其翻译,例如 英语单词 或 English
- a few
- a lot
- a lot of
- about
- accordion
- achievement
- act
- active
- add
- add to
- advice
- again
- ago
- alive
- all over
- although
- AM
- American
- amount
- angry
- another
- aquarium
- arm
- as
- as
- as for
- Asia
- at the moment
- at the same time
- athlete
- athletic
- autograph
- away
- babysit
- back
- balance
- balanced
- bargain
- be good at
- be stressed out
- bear
- beat
- because of
- become
- believe
- better
- bicycle
- bike
- blender
- boat
- boil
- borrow
- both
- Brazilian
- bread
- build
- butter
- by
- by boat
- by bus
- calendar
- California
- call
- calm
- camp
- car
- care
- care
- cereal
- champion
- championship
- check
- chemistry
- Chicago
- chip
- chocolate
- chore
- cinema
- close
- close to
- clothing
- coffee
- cola
- cold
- come over
- comfortable
- common
- communicate
- competition
- computer science
- concert
- cookie
- could
- countryside
- creative
- crispy
- cup
- cut
- cut up
- dear
- delight
- dentist
- depend
- depend on
- diet
- difference
- different
- disagree
- dish
- distance
- do chores
- do the dishes
- do the laundry
- dream
- drink
- drive
- duck
- dull
- ear
- early
- early
- easy
- eighty
- end
- engineer
- enough
- Europe
- ever
- everybody
- exchange
- exchange student
- exercise
- exhibition
- eye
- famous
- far
- farthest
- fax
- feed
- fever
- few
- fifty
- finally
- finish
- fish
- fit
- FM
- fold
- food
- for
- for
- foreign
- forget
- forty
- free
- friendship
- funky
- future
- get
- get back
- gift
- gold
- golf
- golfer
- grade
- grandpa
- grandson
- Greece
- green onion
- grow
- grow up
- gymnast
- habit
- hand
- hang
- hang out
- hardly
- hate
- have
- have a cold
- Hawaii
- head
- headache
- health
- hear
- herb
- hers
- hey
- hiccup
- high school
- hike
- hold
- honey
- Hong Kong
- host family
- how far
- how long
- how many
- how often
- however
- hum
- hundred
- ice skating
- ill
- illness
- important
- in common
- information
- ingredient
- instruction
- instrument
- interest
- international
- Internet
- interviewer
- into
- invitation
- invite
- Italy
- jazz
- jeans
- junk
- junk food
- keep
- kilometer
- kind
- lady
- lake
- late
- laugh
- laundry
- leave
- leg
- less
- lesson
- lettuce
- lifestyle
- living room
- look after
- look at
- loud
- lovely
- loving
- luckily
- major
- major in
- make
- make one's bed
- management
- match
- matter
- maybe
- meal
- mean
- means
- medal
- medicine
- meeting
- mile
- milk
- milk shake
- mine
- minute
- mix
- mix up
- moment
- monitor
- more
- more than
- most
- most of
- mouth
- move
- much
- musical
- must
- must
- national
- nature
- near
- necessary
- neck
- negative
- ninety
- no
- north
- North America
- northern
- nose
- note
- number
- octopus
- of course
- off
- once
- opposite
- other
- outdoor
- outgoing
- outstanding
- over
- over
- pancake
- part
- partner
- part-time
- peel
- perform
- performer
- person
- physics
- pianist
- piece
- pilot
- pity
- plan
- player
- player
- Poland
- popcorn
- popper
- positive
- postcard
- pour
- primary
- primary school
- prize
- problem
- professional
- program
- programmer
- project
- province
- quality
- quick
- radio
- radio station
- rain
- raincoat
- reader
- recipe
- record
- relish
- rent
- resolution
- rest
- result
- retire
- rich
- ride
- river
- roll
- salt
- same
- San Francisco
- sandwich
- sauce
- save
- schoolwork
- screen
- seal
- seat
- send
- serious
- service
- seventy
- shake
- shark
- shop
- should
- shouldn't
- shower
- sightseeing
- single
- sixty
- skate
- skateboard
- sleep late
- slice
- smart
- snack
- sneeze
- snow
- so
- so
- something
- somewhere
- song
- sore
- southern
- souvenir
- Spain
- station
- stay
- still
- stomach
- stomachache
- stop
- stress
- subway
- success
- super
- surf
- sweep
- table tennis
- take a vacation
- take care of
- take out
- take pride in
- talent
- talent show
- talented
- teach
- teaspoon
- teen
- teenager
- Thailand
- than
- the day after tomorrow
- the Great Lakes
- the U.S.
- theater
- thing
- thirsty
- though
- throat
- Tibet
- till
- tofu
- together
- tomorrow
- tooth
- toothache
- top
- tour
- tourist
- town
- traditional
- train
- training
- transportation
- trash
- travel
- trendy
- try
- Turkey
- turn on
- twice
- twin
- umbrella
- unhealthy
- university
- until
- unusual
- up
- view
- violinist
- visitor
- walk
- watermelon
- weak
- weekday
- well-known
- western
- wet
- whole
- whom
- wild
- win
- without
- work on
- worry
- worse
- worst
- yang
- yard
- yard sale
- yeah
- yesterday
- yet
- yin
- yogurt
- yuck
- accident
- adult
- advantage
- against
- agent
- album
- alien
- all kinds of
- all the time
- all year round
- allow
- alone
- already
- amazing
- amusement
- annoy
- annoyed
- anymore
- anyone
- anywhere
- area
- argue
- around
- around the world
- Asian
- asleep
- astronaut
- at first
- at least
- ate
- attendant
- attraction
- Australian
- autumn
- awake
- baby
- bake
- barber
- barber shop
- bathroom
- be able to
- be interested in
- be supposed to
- became
- bedroom
- been
- behave
- behavior
- Beijing International Airport
- bell
- bench
- besides
- board
- boat
- bookstore
- border
- bored
- bought
- brave
- break the rule
- bright
- brought
- building
- by the way
- cake
- call somebody up
- came
- capital
- care for
- careful
- casually
- cat
- certain
- chance
- character
- charity
- child
- Chinese Young Pioneer
- choose
- cigarette
- clean
- clean-up
- clearly
- climb
- close
- clothing
- coin
- collect
- collector
- come along
- come in
- come true
- comment
- common
- company
- company
- compare
- complain
- copy
- cost
- cough
- could
- couldn't
- crazy
- criticize
- cross
- cruise
- cut
- cut in line
- danger
- dark
- decision
- destroy
- didn't
- direct speech
- disadvantage
- disappointing
- discover
- dish
- Disneyland
- do well in
- Donald Duck
- door
- dormitory
- dress
- drive
- drop
- earth
- earthquake
- either
- electric
- elevator
- emperor
- encourage
- end up
- enter
- envelope
- environment
- equator
- especially
- etiquette
- Europe
- European
- even
- ever
- everything
- everywhere
- excellent
- except
- exchange
- experience
- extra
- factory
- fail
- fall asleep
- fall in love with
- fan
- far away
- fear
- fell
- fewer
- fiction
- film
- first of all
- fit
- flew
- flight
- flower
- fly
- follow
- football
- foreign
- foreigner
- fortunately
- fox
- franklin
- freedom
- future
- gave
- get along
- get on
- get out
- get over
- give away
- given
- globe
- go skating
- goodbye
- got
- graduate
- grandpa
- Greenpeace
- guide
- guy
- haircut
- hamster
- happen
- hard-working
- hasn't
- have a great time
- hear about
- hear of
- heard
- hero
- hers
- Hilltop School
- holiday
- hometown
- housework
- however
- huge
- human
- hundred
- hundreds of
- husband
- I'll
- impolite
- impossible
- in good health
- in style
- in the future
- include
- Indian
- influence
- injured
- instead
- interested
- interview
- island
- jeans
- Jew
- Jewish
- jump
- keep down
- keep out
- kid
- kill
- kitchen
- kite
- land
- later
- lawyer
- least
- less
- litter
- look for
- look through
- loud
- low
- luckily
- lucky
- mad
- made
- make a living
- make friends with
- marathon
- meaning
- Memphis
- mention
- message
- met
- meter
- miss
- mobile
- mobile phone
- modern
- modest
- monster
- moon
- more than
- mouse
- murder
- myself
- native
- natural
- nearly
- neither
- nervous
- Night Safari
- noon
- normal
- not at all
- note
- okay
- on board
- on the one hand
- on the other hand
- on the phone
- open
- open up
- organize
- organized
- original
- out of style
- own
- pair
- paper
- parrot
- particularly
- part-time job
- pass on
- pay for
- Peking University
- perfect
- perhaps
- personal
- pet
- pick up
- pig
- pioneer
- plane
- play
- playground
- polite
- politely
- pollution
- population
- possible
- poster
- potbellied
- predict
- prediction
- present
- pressure
- probably
- progress
- public
- pushy
- put out
- quarter
- quite
- rabbit
- raise
- ran
- rang
- rather
- rating
- receive
- recent
- report card
- reported speech
- requirement
- return
- review
- right away
- robot
- rocket
- rode
- roller coaster
- route
- run away
- run out of
- rural
- Russian
- safari
- sandy
- sang
- scared
- scientist
- sea level
- season
- seem
- seen
- semester
- send
- senior
- several
- shape
- shell
- she'll
- shirt
- should
- shout
- silence
- simple
- since
- sincerely
- skate
- skater
- slow
- smoke
- snack
- snake
- sneeze
- solution
- somewhere
- sound
- southeast
- space
- space station
- special
- spider
- spokesperson
- spring
- stage
- stamp
- start
- statement
- store
- strange
- style
- such
- suggest
- suggestion
- suit
- suppose
- surprise
- Sweden
- take an interest in
- take away
- take care
- take off
- take place
- task
- Teen Talk
- temperature
- term
- terrorist
- the Ministry of Education
- the Olympic Committee
- the Olympic Games
- the Olympics
- the same as
- the World Cup
- theme
- themselves
- they'll
- thin
- thought
- thousand
- three quarters
- ticket
- told
- tonight
- took
- toothbrush
- topic
- traffic
- tragedy
- train station
- tree
- trendy
- true
- turn down
- turtle
- tutor
- type
- uncomfortable
- unpleasant
- until
- upset
- use
- village
- voice
- volunteer
- wait in line
- waitress
- What's the matter
- What's wrong (with)
- whenever
- which
- while
- winner
- wonderful
- won't
- World Trade Center
- worse
- writer
- wrong
- wrote
- yard