输入英文单词或中文词语查询其翻译,例如 英语单词 或 English
- sack
- sacred
- saddle
- saga
- sagacious
- saliva
- salutary
- salvage
- salvation
- salve
- sample
- sanction
- sane
- sanguine
- sanitary
- sanitation
- sanity
- sarcasm
- sardonic
- satellite city
- satiate
- satire
- satirize
- saturate
- savor
- savory
- scale
- scandal
- scanty
- scar
- scat singing
- scatter
- scenic
- scent
- scheme
- schism
- scholarly attainment
- scoff
- scoop
- scoop up
- scope
- scorch
- scorn
- scornful
- scourge
- scramble
- scrap
- scrape
- scratch
- screech
- scribble
- script
- scrub
- scruple
- scrupulous
- scrutinize
- scud
- sculpture
- scurry
- sea anemone
- seal up
- seam
- seasoning
- seclude
- seclusion
- second job
- secrete
- secretion
- sect
- secular
- sedate
- sedentary
- sediment
- seek after
- seeming
- seemly
- seep
- seethe
- segment
- segregate
- seismic
- self-esteem
- semblance
- sensation
- sensational
- sense organ
- sensuous
- sentence
- sentiment
- sentry
- sequence
- serene
- serenity
- sermon
- serpentine
- service industry
- servile
- session
- set a record
- set in motion
- set the stage for
- set the table
- set up
- sever
- severe
- shackle
- shady
- shaft
- shallow
- sham
- shear
- sheathe
- shed
- shield
- shift
- shiftless
- shifty
- shine through
- short of
- shove
- show off
- shred
- shrewd
- shriek
- shrink
- shrivel
- shroud
- shrug
- shun
- shut down
- shut out
- shuttle
- side with
- siege
- sieve tube
- sift
- sign language
- simulate
- simultaneous
- singe
- sinister
- sink into an existence
- sip
- site
- skeleton
- skeptic
- skeptical
- sketch
- sketchy
- skim
- skimpy
- skirmish
- skulk
- skull
- skyrocket
- slack
- slacken
- slag
- slake
- slander
- slant
- slap
- slash
- slaughter
- slavish copy
- sleek
- slender
- slick
- slim
- slip away
- slippery
- slither
- slope
- sloppy
- slot
- slough
- slovenly
- slow down
- slumber
- slump
- sly
- smack
- smash
- smear
- smother
- smudge
- smug
- smuggle
- snag
- snare
- snarl
- snatch
- sneak
- sneer
- snobbish
- snout
- snug
- soak
- soar
- sober
- sociable
- social concerns
- social worker
- soggy
- sojourn
- solar astronomer
- sole
- solemn
- solicit
- solicitous
- solidarity
- solitary
- solitude
- solo instrument
- solvent
- somber
- sonorous
- soothe
- sophisticated
- sordid
- sore
- sort
- sort out
- sound
- soundly asleep
- sour
- souvenir
- sovereign
- space agency
- space shuttle
- spacious
- span
- sparing
- spark
- sparse
- spasm
- speak of
- species
- specify
- specimen
- spectacle
- spectacular
- spectator
- spectrum
- speculate
- speculative
- speed up
- spell
- sperm whale
- spew
- sphere
- spice
- spill
- spin
- spineless
- spiny
- splendor
- splice
- splinter
- split
- spoil
- spontaneous
- sporadic
- spot
- spout
- sprain
- sprawl
- spray
- spring into being
- spring up
- sprinkle
- sprint
- sprout
- spur
- spurt
- squabble
- squalid
- squander
- squash
- squeak
- squeamish
- squeeze
- stab
- stack
- stagger
- stagnant
- stain
- stake
- stale
- stalk
- stall
- stand at
- standards of admission
- stand-in
- staple
- stark
- start out
- startle
- stately
- static
- stationary
- stature
- status
- statute
- staunch
- steadfast
- steer
- stem from
- sterile
- stern
- steward
- stick
- stigma
- still life arrangement
- stimulate
- stinging cell
- stingy
- stint
- stipend
- stipulate
- stir
- stock
- stock exchange
- stodgy
- stoic
- stoical
- stolid
- stoop
- stout
- straddle
- strain
- strait
- strand
- strap
- strategy
- stray
- streak
- strenuous
- stress
- stretch out
- stride
- strident
- strife
- string instrument
- stringent
- strip
- stripe
- strive
- stroll
- stub
- stuff
- stuffy
- stumble
- stun
- stunt
- sturdy
- suave
- subdue
- subject matter
- subject of much debate
- subject to
- subjection
- subjugate
- sublimate
- sublime
- submissive
- submit
- subordinate
- subscribe
- subsequent
- subservient
- subsidiary
- subsidy
- subsist
- subsistence
- substantial
- substantiate
- substitute A for B
- subterranean
- subtle
- subvert
- succeed
- succession
- succinct
- succulent
- succumb
- suck
- sue
- sufficient
- suffrage
- sulky
- sullen
- sultry
- sum total
- sum up
- summarize
- summary
- summation
- summit
- summon
- sumptuous
- sundry
- superb
- superficial
- superintendent
- superior to
- supersede
- superstition
- supervise
- supple
- supplement
- supremacy
- supreme
- surf
- surfeit
- surly
- surmise
- surmount
- surpass
- surplus
- survey
- surveyor
- survive
- susceptible
- susceptible to
- suspend
- suspense
- suspicion
- suspicious
- sustain
- swamp
- swarm of
- sway
- swell
- swelter
- swerve
- swindle
- swing
- switch to
- switch to oils
- swoop
- symbol
- symmetry
- symposium
- symptom
- synchronize
- synonymous
- synonymous with
- synopsis
- synthesis
- synthetic
- syrup
- sue
- slim
- sound
- stick
- sour
- scoop
- survey
- supreme
- stationary
- shrink
- spell
- swing
- stab
- sway
- simultaneous
- stagger
- scrap
- sly
- souvenir
- succession
- surplus
- shuttle
- slaughter
- spot
- spray
- spin
- sacred
- sculpture
- sufficient
- sanction
- summon
- survive
- slack
- superb
- sample
- scheme
- shallow
- sort
- sore
- startle
- subscribe
- summary
- sip
- succeed
- set the table
- scratch
- stress
- subsidiary
- sensation