输入英文单词或中文词语查询其翻译,例如 英语单词 或 English
- ability
- able
- aboard
- according to
- accountant
- activity
- actor
- address
- adult
- adventure
- age
- aim
- air
- album
- alien
- alone
- already
- ancient
- angry
- animal
- another
- argue
- around
- arrange
- arrive
- as
- asleep
- attack
- axe
- badminton
- bamboo
- bar
- barbecue
- base
- beam
- believe
- below
- bicycle
- billion
- biology
- blanket
- booth
- bottom
- break
- brush
- business
- button
- cage
- calculator
- captain
- careful
- cartoon
- cave
- centre
- character
- charge
- chess
- choose
- circle
- client
- close
- club
- collect
- compare
- competition
- complete
- construction
- continue
- copy
- corner
- countryside
- cover
- crash
- crazy
- crew
- cry
- cure
- daily
- dangerous
- deal
- dear
- delicious
- deliver
- dentist
- description
- difficult
- dinosaur
- direction
- discovery
- discuss
- disease
- downstairs
- due
- encyclopaedia
- engineer
- enough
- enter
- environment
- especially
- even
- example
- except
- expensive
- expert
- female
- ferry
- fiction
- find
- finger
- first-aid
- fold
- follow
- footprint
- fossil
- founder
- freedom
- future
- gentle
- gone
- government
- grade
- greeting
- group
- guard
- guilty
- gun
- handcuffs
- handwriting
- helicopter
- hide
- history
- hit
- hobby
- hold
- honestly
- hook
- however
- howl
- human being
- hungry
- hurry
- hurt
- husband
- identify
- information
- inspect
- interesting
- interrupt
- island
- jog
- joke
- keen
- laser
- law
- left
- lie
- life
- lift
- light
- litre
- machine
- magazine
- magic
- make
- manager
- mausoleum
- mean
- measure
- meat
- meat
- melt
- mend
- messenger
- middle
- million
- minute
- moment
- monster
- most
- motorbike
- move
- navigator
- net
- newspaper
- once
- ordering
- ought to
- page
- parcel
- passenger
- peace
- petrol
- photograph
- physics
- pilot
- planet
- plastic
- pleasure
- point
- popular
- possible
- postman
- power
- practical joke
- present
- press
- primary
- prison
- probably
- producer
- programme
- project
- protect
- provide
- purse
- questionnaire
- quiz
- rat
- reason
- reference
- remember
- remove
- reply
- report
- restaurant
- return
- rise
- river
- roar
- robbery
- room
- rope
- round
- routine
- rude
- rude
- rugby
- rush
- safe
- sailing
- sand
- score
- search
- secret
- sell
- several
- shake
- shape
- shine
- shoot
- shoulder
- shout
- side
- sign
- signature
- since
- size
- skeleton
- sky
- small
- space
- special
- spend
- square
- stand
- star
- statement
- steal
- steel
- step
- still
- stone
- street
- string
- table tennis
- telescope
- tennis
- tent
- theft
- thief
- through
- ticket
- title
- top
- torch
- touch
- towards
- trip
- trust
- tunnel
- twice
- umbrella
- uniform
- university
- unknown
- valley
- walking stick
- wash
- whizz-kid
- without
- word
- worm
- worse
- worst
- street
- star
- circle
- net
- remember
- find
- cave
- hungry
- finger
- husband
- animal
- small
- press
- ancient
- business
- daily
- present
- air
- age
- dear
- shape
- cry
- address
- angry
- crash
- pilot
- break
- restaurant
- adult
- umbrella
- aim
- alone
- prison
- hold
- minute
- peace
- make
- booth
- interesting
- enter
- light
- dangerous
- close
- touch
- arrive
- hobby
- dentist
- due
- secret
- around