输入英文单词或中文词语查询其翻译,例如 英语单词 或 English
- table
- tablet
- tackle
- tactics
- tag
- tail
- tailor
- tale
- talent
- talk
- tall
- tame
- tan
- tangle
- tank
- tanker
- tap
- tape
- tar
- target
- tariff
- task
- taste
- tax
- taxi
- tea
- teach
- teacher
- team
- tear
- tease
- technical
- technician
- technique
- technology
- tedious
- teenager
- telegram
- telegraph
- telephone
- telescope
- television
- tell
- temper
- temperament
- temperature
- temple
- tempo
- temporary
- tempt
- temptation
- ten
- tenant
- tend
- tendency
- tender
- tennis
- tense
- tension
- tent
- tentative
- term
- terminal
- terminate
- terrible
- terrific
- terrify
- territory
- terror
- test
- testify
- testimony
- text
- textbook
- textile
- texture
- than
- thank
- Thanksgiving
- that
- the
- theater
- theft
- their
- theirs
- them
- theme
- themselves
- then
- theoretical
- theory
- therapy
- there
- thereafter
- thereby
- therefore
- thermal
- thermometer
- these
- thesis
- they
- thick
- thief
- thigh
- thin
- thing
- think
- third
- thirst
- thirsty
- thirteen
- thirty
- this
- thorn
- thorough
- those
- though
- thought
- thoughtful
- thousand
- thread
- threat
- threaten
- three
- threshold
- thrift
- thrill
- thrive
- throat
- throne
- through
- throughout
- throw
- thrust
- thumb
- thunder
- Thursday
- thus
- tick
- ticket
- tide
- tidy
- tie
- tiger
- tight
- tile
- till
- tilt
- timber
- timely
- timid
- tin
- tiny
- tip
- tire
- tired
- tiresome
- tissue
- title
- to
- toast
- tobacco
- today
- toe
- together
- toilet
- token
- tolerance
- tolerant
- tolerate
- toll
- tomato
- tomb
- tomorrow
- ton
- tone
- tongue
- tonight
- too
- tool
- tooth
- top
- topic
- torch
- torment
- torrent
- torture
- toss
- total
- touch
- tough
- tour
- tourist
- tow
- towards
- towel
- tower
- town
- toxic
- toy
- trace
- track
- tractor
- trade
- trademark
- tradition
- traffic
- tragedy
- tragic
- trail
- train
- training
- trait
- traitor
- tram
- tramp
- transaction
- transcend
- transfer
- transform
- transient
- transistor
- transition
- translate
- translation
- transmission
- transmit
- transparent
- transplant
- transport
- trap
- trash
- travel
- tray
- treason
- treasure
- treat
- treaty
- tree
- tremble
- tremendous
- trench
- trend
- trial
- triangle
- tribe
- tribute
- trick
- trifle
- trigger
- trim
- trip
- triple
- triumph
- trivial
- trolley
- troop
- tropic
- tropical
- trouble
- troublesome
- trousers
- truck
- trumpet
- trunk
- trust
- truth
- try
- tub
- tube
- tuck
- Tuesday
- tug
- tuition
- tumble
- tumor
- tune
- tunnel
- turbine
- turbulent
- turkey
- turn
- turnover
- tutor
- twelve
- twenty
- twice
- twin
- twinkle
- twist
- two
- type
- typewriter
- typhoon
- typical
- typist
- toy
- that
- too
- taste
- ten
- this
- two
- taxi
- them
- technique
- three
- tall
- tea
- tiger
- tail
- twenty
- thirteen
- triangle
- to
- turkey
- turn
- twelve
- toilet
- these
- train
- thin
- Thanksgiving
- then
- touch
- they
- throw
- trunk
- tell
- tree
- task
- thirsty
- today
- teacher
- table
- the
- telephone
- though
- tired
- tomato
- talk
- temperature
- thick
- those
- tennis
- term