输入英文单词或中文词语查询其翻译,例如 英语单词 或 English
- actor
- actress
- address
- air
- airport
- already
- anything
- anywhere
- apartment
- April
- around
- art
- astronaut
- athlete
- August
- Australia
- badminton
- balcony
- band
- baseball
- Betty
- blonde
- bookshop
- boxing
- bring
- businessman
- businesswoman
- cafe
- camel
- camp
- castle
- cave
- centre
- cheap
- chemist
- Chinese
- chocolate
- choose
- chopsticks
- Christmas
- club
- code
- coin
- college
- cook
- cooker
- countryside
- crowd
- cupboard
- cycling
- date
- David
- December
- diary
- dinosaur
- distance
- dive
- downstairs
- drum
- Emma
- empty
- engineer
- English
- enjoy
- environment
- everything
- excellent
- expensive
- February
- feel
- finger
- finish
- fire
- fire
- fire station
- fireman
- fishing
- flute
- fog
- football
- footballer
- foreign
- forget
- fork
- Fred
- fridge
- fun
- future
- geography
- glass
- glove
- gold
- golf
- golf
- goodness
- happen
- hard
- Harry
- heavy
- helper
- high
- high jump
- historical
- history
- hockey
- hope
- hut
- idea
- indeed
- interest
- jam
- Jane
- January
- Jim
- journalist
- July
- June
- knife
- laugh
- leave
- light
- London
- long jump
- March
- Mary
- material
- Maths
- May
- mean
- medal
- member
- metal
- metal
- minute
- miss
- museum
- music
- newspaper
- noisy
- November
- nurse
- October
- octopus
- other
- other
- painter
- palace
- Paul
- photographer
- pilot
- plastic
- plate
- police
- police station
- poor
- pot
- present
- present
- protect
- pyramid
- quarter
- question
- raindrop
- recorder
- recycle
- reindeer
- restaurant
- reuse
- rich
- ring
- roast
- robot
- robot
- route
- rowing
- rubber
- running
- sailing
- Santa
- saucepan
- science
- science
- scissors
- score
- seashore
- secret
- secretary
- September
- shelf
- shell
- shooting
- silver
- silver
- skating
- smell
- soccer
- soon
- soup
- space
- special
- spoon
- square
- stair
- station
- stay
- step
- stocking
- stone
- storm
- stranger
- street
- striped
- stuck
- subject
- subway
- suddenly
- Sue
- suitcase
- surely
- swan
- swimming
- table tennis
- tadpole
- tape
- taste
- taxi
- tennis
- tent
- the Forbidden City
- the Summer Palace
- toilet
- torch
- treasure
- turn
- turn
- university
- upstairs
- use
- useless
- villager
- volleyball
- volunteer
- wardrobe
- washroom
- waterfall
- weak
- what
- where
- which
- who
- whole
- William
- without
- wood
- wool
- wool
- wreath
- about
- act
- add
- add
- afraid
- age
- alongside
- always
- amazing
- amusement
- April
- astronaut
- Athens
- Atlanta
- August
- autumn
- background
- basement
- beard
- Beijing
- Berlin
- block
- blooming
- body
- boil
- born
- bottle
- bowl
- branch
- brave
- brave
- broken
- building
- burger
- butterfly
- camera
- camp
- card
- castle
- castle
- celebration
- centimetre
- cheese
- Children's Day
- choice
- choose
- Christmas
- climb
- closely
- collect
- competition
- condition
- cooking
- countryside
- court
- crocodile
- crown
- dangerous
- December
- decide
- desert
- diamond
- different
- difficult
- dolphin
- dream
- dress up
- early
- Easter
- Easter
- easy
- elevator
- else
- engineer
- enjoy
- enough
- environment
- example
- excellent
- excellent
- February
- feel
- few
- field
- fill
- finally
- finger
- finish
- finish
- fire engine
- firecracker
- fireman
- first
- flap
- flash
- food
- footprint
- forest
- forest
- form
- free
- fresh
- fur
- gentle
- geography
- giraffe
- golden
- greet
- grow
- growth
- guess
- gun
- habitat
- happen
- happen
- health
- health
- height
- hide
- hobby
- horrible
- hurt
- idea
- ill
- information
- ink
- interesting
- interesting
- invite
- invite
- January
- July
- June
- jungle
- keep
- kettle
- kind
- lake
- language
- later on
- leaf
- learn
- learn
- liquid
- litter
- lizard
- London
- lucky
- machine
- machine
- magic
- mankind
- March
- mat
- May
- mean
- measure
- mechanic
- medicine
- medicine
- member
- messy
- Mexico
- midnight
- minus
- minute
- mistake
- Montreal
- more
- Moscow
- mountain
- movement
- movie
- museum
- National Day
- neighbourhood
- nervous
- never
- New Year's Day
- newspaper
- next
- notice
- November
- nowhere
- October
- of course
- Olympic
- Olympic
- oxygen
- pad
- page
- pan
- Paris
- pass
- pepper
- perhaps
- picnic
- pilot
- pizza
- player
- plus
- point
- policeman
- pond
- present
- president
- press
- prince
- prize
- problem
- progress
- protect
- puppy
- queen
- quickly
- radio
- rainbow
- ready
- reflection
- remember
- restaurant
- rich
- ring
- river
- Rome
- safe
- sailor
- Santa
- save
- science
- science
- scientist
- scissors
- secretly
- Seoul
- September
- shark
- sharp
- shortest
- shower
- sick
- sideways
- Singapore
- size
- smoke
- snowball
- so
- somewhere
- space
- spaceship
- special
- spider
- spin
- sports
- spot
- spring
- Spring Festival
- start
- stay
- still
- stomachache
- stool
- strange
- stronger
- subject
- subject
- suddenly
- sugar
- suggestion
- summer
- sunlight
- sunshine
- swallow
- sweet
- tail
- tallest
- Teachers' Day
- team
- teeth
- terrible
- terrible
- test
- Thanksgiving Day
- theatre
- ticket
- tidy
- tightly
- tip
- title
- towel
- toy
- trash
- Turkey
- twinkle
- unit
- untidy
- upright
- view
- visit
- volunteer
- walk
- wardrobe
- weekend
- weight
- well done
- whale
- wheel
- whisper
- winner
- winter
- wire
- wonder
- wooden
- world
- worse
- worse
- so
- street
- May
- May
- queen
- rainbow
- toy
- miss
- taste
- what
- remember
- taxi
- body
- volunteer
- volunteer
- free
- cave
- finger
- finger
- tail
- use
- March
- March
- beard
- August
- August
- finish
- finish
- finish
- press
- airport
- never
- Turkey
- Maths
- turn
- turn
- present
- present
- Mexico
- present
- English
- air
- fresh
- camera
- Christmas
- Christmas
- age
- climb
- building