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transit line

英 [ˈtrænsit lain]
美 [ˈtrænsɪt laɪn]
  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    transit line

    • n.a line providing public transit


    Locating a transit line using tabu search
    A heuristic for the location of a rapid transit line
    Joint optimization of a rail transit line and its feeder bus system
    Design of a rail transit line for profit maximization in a linear transportation corridor
    A multi-modal approach to the location of a rapid transit line
    Simultaneous optimization of transit line configuration and passenger line assignment
    Reaction of House Prices to a New Rapid Transit Line: Chicago's Midway Line, 1983–1999
    Synthetic Evaluation for Urban Rail Transit Line Network Planning Scheme Based on AHP-Fuzzy Method
    A time series analysis of monthly ridership for an urban rail rapid transit line
    Determination of the Skip-Stop Scheduling for a Congested Transit Line by Bilevel Genetic Algorithm