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on order

英 [ɔn ˈɔ:də]
美 [ɑn ˈɔrdɚ]
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    1. The capital of Delaware, in the central part of the state. Founded in1683 on orders from William Penn, it became capital in1777. Population, 27,630.
      多佛尔位于美国特拉华州中部的首府。建城于1683年,当时受威廉·潘管辖,1777年成为首府。人口27, 630
    2. Please send me the articles on order by goods.
    3. Several out- of- stock items have been on order for week.


    On Order
    On order
    On order.
    On order–disorder structures
    Bayesian inference on order-constrained parameters in generalized linear models.
    Effects of concomitant verbal recall on order effects in personality impression formation
    The impact of order batching and picking area zoning on order picking system performance
    Analyzing the effect of the inventory policy on order and inventory variability with linear control theory
    Influence of the Substrate on Order and Image Contrast for Physisorbed, Self-Assembled Molecular Monolayers:  STM Studies of Functi...
    Lattice Monte Carlo simulations of FePt nanoparticles: Influence of size, composition, and surface segregation on order-disorder phe...