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in jail

英 [in dʒeil]
美 [ɪn dʒel]
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    1. At the end of the movie the villain got what was coming to him and was put in jail.
    2. He wants you to know that anyone who chooses the path he has chosen is sure to have periodic holidays in jail.
    3. A day in jail cooled him off.
    4. I always said he would wind up in jail.


    In jail
    Mentally disordered women in jail: who receives services?
    Screening for tuberculosis in jail and clinic follow-up after release
    The psychosocial issues of women serving time in jail.
    Buprenorphine and Methadone Maintenance in Jail and Post-Release: A Randomized Clinical Trial
    Strategies to enhance linkages between care for HIV/AIDS in jail and community settings
    Trauma Exposure, Mental Health Functioning, and Program Needs of Women in Jail.
    Predictors of reincarceration among patients who received psychiatric services in jail
    Comorbidity of severe psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders among women in jail.
    Health status, service use, and costs among veterans receiving outreach services in jail or community settings.