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civil law

英 [ˈsivl lɔ:]
美 [ˈsɪvəl lɔ]
  • n.


  • 英英释义

    civil law

    • n.
      • the body of laws established by a state or nation for its own regulation
      • the legal code of ancient Rome; codified under Justinian; the basis for many modern systems of civil law

        同义词:Roman lawJustinian codejus civile



    1. Civil law is different to criminal law.
    2. Civil law will be one of the main battlegrounds.


    Civil Law and Procedure
    The Economic Analysis of Civil Law
    On Fitting Trusts into Civil Law Jurisdictions
    Judicial Independence in a Civil Law Regime: The Evidence From Japan
    On Pretrial Procedure System in China's Civil Law Practice
    New Interpretation on the Principle of Fairness in Civil Law
    Conflict of Laws, Comparative Law and Civil Law: A Tribute to Symeon C. Symeonides
    Culture Clash: Anglo-American Case Law and German Civil Law in Translation.
    Punitive Civil Sanctions: The Middleground between Criminal and Civil Law
    Paradigms Lost: The Blurring of the Criminal and Civil Law Models. And What Can Be Done about It