首页 > 英语词典 > buckle up

buckle up

[ˈbʌkl ʌp]
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  • 学习怎么用


    Buckle up
    Buckle Up?
    Buckle Up!
    Need for Speed
    Buckle Up, Watch the Gold Trail and Buy Propane
    "Please Buckle Up"
    Getting Americans to buckle up: The efficacy of state seat belt laws
    Buckle up! Is not enough: enhancing protection of the restrained child
    “Buckle Up NOW!” An Enforcement Program to Achieve High Belt Use
    The buckle-up promise card: A versatile intervention for large-scale behavior change.
    Buckle up or slow down? New estimates of offsetting behavior and their implications for automobile safety regulation
    Buckle Up! Is Not Enough
    Buckle up: non-seat belt use and antisocial behavior in the United States